Chapter 1, The accident

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The Accident

Chapter 1. The accident

of course it started off like any family vacation would you had the morning rush where your parents tried to get you up and to eat breakfast at a certain time so you could be ready and out the door. of course that rarely worked unless you went to bed at nine or ten and that of course never happened with my family, We were practically vampires staying up all night and sleeping all day most people would think we were strange but we never cared. Today was different then others i had a bad feeling inside my gut and soon would i find out what that feeling was. My mother had decided we drive down to the state of mississippi to learn of all the dark history it held but to be truthful i had no intentions of enjoying this dark disturbing history. We were going to be visiting three large what use to be slave plantations. I could hardly remember what we had been talking about i think we were talking about how mother wanted us to try and act more like the normal children acted of course me and my brother both shrugged it off knowing that wasn't going to happen in a million years and then suddenly it went black we had crashed into something causing the car for as far as i could see flip completely over. I had placed my hands above my head reaching for the seatbelt that had kept me suspended upside down. As soon as i clicked the seatbelt it let me fall with a loud thud but that wasn't the worst part, i could feel the scream that was trying to escape from my vocal cords as i looked down to see a large piece of broken glass from the window on my brothers side digging itself deeper and deeper with every movement i made below my breasts. When i tried to climb out of the vehicle i was stopped by a strange voice, a males voice. I felt as if the voice was calling out to me with its rich creamy sound. I glanced out of my sides window and saw my brother, mother, and father lined up as if they were going to be executed. I met my mothers eyes she quickly shook her head at me telling me to stay put. I could tell she could see the fear in my eyes because she gave me a weak smile. I was so distracted by my mother that i hadn't noticed the pair of freshly polished black dress shoes standing at the side of the broken window. My heart completely stopped for that very moment my breathing sped up as he squatted down to look at me. His eyes caused goose bumps to crawl down my body. The strange male gave me a smile before reaching out for me after ripping off the smashed in car door like it was a piece of paper leaving nothing between him and i. my brain automatically told me to try and run so i did just that quickly kicking open the door on my side i slipped out of the flipped car trying to make my way to my mother a failed attempt of course because i was suddenly pulled back into a pair of large strong arms i could hear the male chuckles as he mumbled soft words into my shoulder blades right below my neck. My body was shivering in his grasp i could only look into my mother eyes with panic i could feel his lips curve into a smile on my skin as he began to speak with a very high maintenance female

"Heh Gege look what they were trying to hide from us, Such a beautiful artifact hidden away from the world oh but i think we will have to change that my dear" He Continued to speak as i stared into his blood red beady eyes it looked as if the black rings around the red were slowly seeping into the red of his eyes. As soon as he noticed me staring his smile grew. It was easy to tell this man was a stuck up rich guy who got everything he wanted when he wanted. Of course i would not lie he reminded me alot of Christian Grey from the novel fifty shades of grey, He even had the sexy factor down but his cocky stuck up attitude royally pissed me off. As my eyes drifted i had felt an exstream pain run throughout my body down my spine this time i had no need to hold down the scream that was begging to break free from its silent prison.

"AHHHH! Stop! Stop!" I shouted holding back tears with anger as the strange male shifted the glass deeper into my body cutting a large slit under my breasts. That would leave a scar i could tell this was not going to end the way i wanted. "The names Mr.Dawn sweets but you will call me master for now on, Am i understood?" He raised and eyebrow at me as he continued to dig the glass even deeper. I knew he wasnt going to stop until i agree until i give up but i was no chicken and i surely never gave up not if it was going to make me look weaker. What made me even more upset is i saw the stupid slut gege almost climbing ontop of my brother my anger was boiling over and i was getting down to my last drop of obedience. "Get your filthy hands off of my brother slut!" I snarled at the girl who was licking my brothers neck like he was some tasty lolipop but to my suprise Mr.Dawn was laughing at it, He found me funny maybe that could keep me and my family out of trouble for now. I could feel the smile spread across my lips as i saw how pissed i had made the girl. My light blue eyes stared up at the sky that day i could say that the sky matched my mood, The sun was slowly falling leaving u with a bright ornage red color looking almost like fire which exactly what i was. A fire read to burn down what ever this man had planned for me, Whatever this man actualy was human or not i would do my best to help the ones i love because that is just who i am. What was to become of me and my family would they kill us? Or would he possibly let my family go. The warm crimson fluid was quickly seeping all over my outfit staining everything in red like the sky. The words of my protective mother and father were drifting in and out of my ears as did the world as well my visiton going from clear to blurry untel finnaly Black, Black all of it was black i was falling out, Maybe my feath would be quick and i would be able to finnaly be in peace. Death oh the word brings many feelings to my mind but fear was not one of them no because i ws no cooward and i would not be afraid of death like the other idiots of this world. Not me. No this girl will never ever give up.

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