Chapter 3- Lemonade

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I decided to lie in the bed i had been placed in for a few more hours until i couldnt sleep any longer my head was spining and my wrist was killing in me but i could see someone had wrapped it for me. When i glanced around the room i felt like i was now in heaven but i knew that wasnt the case i was just in one of the rooms that i probably ran into, In my failed etempt to escape. I didt understnd why i was trying to run though i mean Marco wasn't to bad looking himself and Mr.Dawn looked like a god he is was i imagined Mr.Grey to look like, its like my personal fifty shades of grey except there was no rough sex nor bodage. I louded aloud to myself quickly being startled by a males laughter not just any male Mr.Dawn to be exact. My eyes made there way to his perfect body. And trust me his body was perfect he looked like a sex god. I guess my eyes had been traveling because he had a huge smirk on his face raising his eyebrows like he wo something.
"What are you thinking about pervert?" His voice was soothing but also exciting which kept me on edge he had something dark in him i could feel it in his touch. He was dangerous but danger was sexy in my eyes it just got me all hot in bother. When my thoughts were broke i relized that Mr.Dawn was staring me in the eye his face inches from mine. He looked like he was trying to read my mind which reminded me of what his brother marco had said to me.
"What are you?" It just escaped my lips like i couldnt control my thoughts. He smiled at me placing his hands on my shoulders with a wide smile before he got a serious look on his face. "Im a vampire, And you are a strange human, Im interested in you. You look human but smell diffrenet something that needs to be treasured and protected until it can blossom into the goddess it is,Do you understand what im getting at?" Of course i did he was going to keep me until i finished puberty i mean i looked older for my age, I had been told i looked around 19 but i was only 14 turning 15 quite soon,Perfect i would be spending my 15th birthday with vampires....Wait vampires!. I Looked over at him in shock and he placed his fingers on the bridge of his nose. "You just got what i said didnt you?" I nodded unable to speak i was so fully surpirsed i didnt know what to say. I shouldnt be frightend i had spent my whole child hood looking for real vampires, praying that a vampire would come and take me away to a far far place where i could do what i pleased and have fun istead of going to school everyday. You know i always wanted the true vampire life but now thinking about it the whole blood drinking thing and killing people is a turn off. I laughed and glanced at him from the corner of my eye noticing him once again staring at me. "Am i just that beautiful you cant keep your eyes off of me?" I questioned with a smirk when he gave me a frustated look. "You wouldnt understand it if i told you Willow, You lived your life as an innocent little girl your parents hid a whole new world out of your grasp im just trying to bring you in the world that you were suppose to be in, Did you never wonder why you and your brother were stranger then the rest? It wasnt just a werid factor you two are diffrenet from the rest you will learn soon girl but for now i need you to help around the house until that day" And that was when i looked at him like he was stupid which caused him to become angry. "Miss WIllow you will follow my orders if you want to live to see that day!" He commanded which pissed me off but i decided it better to not say anything, Dont want to risk dying yet. I let a small laugh escape my lips when he left my room and after about thirtyminutes of him leaving i went to hopefully find my older brother i didnt like all the attention i was getting but i guess it couldnt be helped. I wasnt that beautiful so why in the hell were people staring i could only fatham the reasons.  I walked deeper into the large house becoming more amazed as i looked around. This guy was loaded i never understood what one person would do with all this money. I soon found myself in a hall that had a list of rooms and who slept in them quickly finding micheals name before making my way to the boys hall my eyes scanned each tag that said the room number keeping my eyes peeled for room 214 stopping at a tall oak door not knowing if i should just walk in or knock. "What to do" I mumbled under my breath before quickly deciding to just barge in but my eyes widened when i walked in on a very gentleman looking guy with blondeish orange hair. He wore nothing but a towel and i could tell my jaw was dropped. "Im sorry i was looking for my brother micheal!" I bursted out waving my hands infront of my face before looking away. "Im sorry" I mumbled while turning away from the male.
"Im willow, Michaels younger sister, Its nice to meet you sir i was just wondering if you knew where my brother was?" I had to keep myself from looking like a complete and utter fool but i thiink it was a little to late for that one. When i turned back around the male had a very goofy looking smile he knew i was embarresed and it made him laugh.

"Oh you were looking for micheal thats a shame wish i had a beautiful young girl like yourself looking for me...Hmmm what a shame, anywho micheal isnt here at the moment but im sure he will be back soon. You could always wait here with me"     He gave me a bright smile along sode a wink before i decided to slip out of the
 room in panic quickly running into somebody.
 "Shit....I uh im sorry my fault i wasnt looking"
 My nervous smile soon faded when i lookd up to see my brother micheals face staring down at me with a strange sad yet empty glare. His normal light blue eyes that once matched mine were now dark and depressed as he placed a hand on my shoulder and pushed me aside without another word he pushed inot his own room slamming the door in my face like i was some sort of stranger. The feeling that this gave me can only be described as pure and utter sadness my own brother treating me as if we had never met, What did they do to jim? Or maybe was is my fault maybe i did something wrong and they punished micheal for it, Would they do it... Would they punish my brother for my mistakes maybe they knew that punishing me wouldnt be enough to control me. On the other hand maybe if i show them we're not that close they wont hurt him maybe it would be better if he ignored me. He would be safe and thats truthfully all i can wish for in this fucked up world of ours.

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