Chapter 2- The Dawn Palace

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      Slowly my eyes fluttered open after what seemed to be a lifetime of darkness. I suddenly became  confused when I saw my surroundings. Thankful though that the pain in my side was no longer to the point of killing me, It was just mildly painful and i could bare that. Shifting my body to an upward position I held on to the the bar attached to the side of my bed so I didn't fall back from the dizziness. Of course my mind was still wondering I had no idea what had happened after I had passed out. Where is my family?, What is this place?, And where the hell am I? Were three of the questions I needed to have answered. But who would answer them, There seemed to be no one around to even of woken me up so maybe they ditched me in a hospital or someones house Or maybe I'm dead. I laughed off the idea before i swung my short stubby legs over the side of what seemed to be a hospital bed when i turned to my left I saw that I was hooked up to an iv i had to look away before i had a panic attack i was never good with needles. i could handle blood but not the needles. I Sighed once i gripped the tube with the iv and yanked it out of my wrist tossing it to the floor as i stood up walking out of the room quietly i found myself in a large hallway. This hallway was bigger then the house i use to live in, I swear you could hold a Alice cooper concert in here and there would be plenty of room. When i scooped the room i counted 16 Large oak doors leading to a bigger oak door which i could hear chatter coming from so my last choice was to go there so without another thought i continued walking down the large hallway but i stopped when i spotted a young man who looked about my age walking my way, Shit there's no way he wouldn't know that i wasn't suppose to be here I'm wearing a plain white hospital robe. Just breath willow i thought to myself taking in a long calming breath before i continued to walk acting like nothing was out of place like i belonged in this stupidly large Palace like place. The male of course smirked and stopped me in the hall running his hand through his perfect black slicked back hair his smile was perfect hell everything about him was perfect he reminded me of a piece of dark chocolate i just wanted to eat him up. He smiled almost like he knew what i was thinking. "Hi, The names Marco and what might your name be beautiful?" Beautiful? Did he call me beautiful? He must be joking but i could feel the embarrassment slowly appearing on my cheeks that were now a bright red. "Uh.....The names Willow...And t...thank you" I stuttered of course i did i always do when i am nervous or a cute boy is around me. Shit that's something normal about myself i guess. He smiled at me placing his warm smooth hand on my right cheek lifting my face to look at him. "So you're the girl my brother brought in? Damn we could of gotten somewhere... oh well anyways what are you doing out of bed i heard about the accident, Are you OK being as a weak human i just thought i should ask" And then i was stopped time stood still for a few minutes as i stared deep into his eyes before looking around not knowing how to respond. "Human?" I let escape my lips before he tilted his head like he was confused. "Oh my brother hasn't told ya!? Oh You poor thing you are in for a treat" Marco said with a smirk on his face which caused such rage i let my temper get the best of me and i swung cracking my knuckle on his chin. "WHAT THE FUCK!?" I shouted in pain as i fell to my knees grasping my wrist tightly hoping the pain would fade but it didn't so i toke the only last option and ran, I ran for it again of course running through strange doors leading into strange rooms i kept bumping into people this place was pact which caused my Social anxiety to spike. I was being sent to a literal hell and there was no escape until i bumped into something that smelt familiar or someone my eyes glanced up to see my older brother Michael staring down at me with worry and as soon as we saw each other we were in a tight embrace. Thank god i knew someone here but all i wanted to do was stay in that hug with my brother forever but when i saw the look of fear in his eyes i knew we needed to move because someone was looking at him but when i turned around i was confused on the fact why my brother was afraid. "Mr.Dawn" I said raising an eyebrow confused on why he was staring at me but the fact that this jackass had my brother, Micheal the man i thought would never be scared of anything silenced by this asshole.  Mr.Dawn smiled at me as he noticed my brother who was quiet i guess my brother had gotten to know this Mr.Dawn guy. i stood in front of my brother protectively holding my wrist in one hand it hurt like a bitch of course but this guy pissed me off to the point where i could deal with it until i saw him on his ass. "Where the hell are my parents?, Why are we here? Where the fuck is here?" I said not caring how many curse words i spat at him but i quickly found out how stupid i was. Quickly his hand was around my throat lifting me into the air like i was a feather. "Listen here you will have respect for your master am i understood, Your attitude is really starting to piss me off young lady, Your lucky i didn't kill you and your whole family and had a snack you almost ruined my brand new car!, I could just suck you dry right now" He snarled as he pulled me closer to him his face was inches away from my own and i was having a hard time breathing. What was this place had  i really died and just gone to hell?. My body was starting to go limp from lack of air until he let my body come crashing to the ground my brother picked me up softly holding me in his arms as i blinked a few times before falling unconscious again but where i woke up this time was amazingly beautiful, I had never seen anything quite like it.

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