Part 4- Boring

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A few weeks went by pretty fast, I hadn't seen my brother since that day and to be truthful i didnt want to see any of them human or vampire. I had been feeling pretty sickly but i still had to do the chores around the mansion along with the other maids, Of course being the young male he was all the younger maids wore a short black and white uniform that barely covered our asses. A few of the girls opened up to me told me their life stories and explained how they ended up here. I was also told that there were thirteen other humans in the facility excluding me and my brother. I was thankful we weren't the only humans around but it still felt like it. The mansion was almost always quiet except for the light sound of piano music that would echo throughout the halls each day. My mind could only wonder who played such a masterpiece.  I spent most of my hours in the library reading of course. I began coughing heavily as my body felt weak. Damn my body was trying to give up on me so easily of course what a quitter. I continued to clean like always ignoring the growing burning sensation in my chest and down my back. It was nothing i continued to tell myself quietly. In the time i spent here i had made one real friend her name was Henna and she was of Spanish decent. She had Perfect Shoulder length dark brown almost a reddish hair, Her skin was a flawless caramel color and i couldn't help but tell her how perfect she was every day. She was very thin and quite fit not a inch of body fat lingered on her body i was of course very jealous of her but she knew all the places that the "People" Around here would be able to hear our conversations. Although it had only been a few weeks almost a month i felt as if i had know this girl my whole life. My cleaning was interrupted by a scream, But not just any scream it was hennas and i couldn't just stand there and listen to it before i could even decide my body was sprinting to the noise mop still in hand from cleaning the floor. My Light blue eyes stared in shock at what i was looking at but i was more pissed of i wasnt even thinking. There i saw my friend pinned against the wall her neck was bleeding so i put two and two together the bastard had bit her. My instinks kicked in before i could control myself i had faster then i thought i could go taken the mop i was holding and broken it into two, Holding the broken off sharp end in my right hand i dug it into his shoulder deeply not far enough to hit his heart and kill him but deep enough to cause him pain and keep him from moving or making any advances towards us. I dont know why but i had a large ear to ear smile plastered on my face as the male fell to the floor in pain screaming a ear bleeding scream. It wasnt tell after that, That i reliased the seriousness of the situation my left arm that wasnt covered in blood reached and pulling henna by her open arm i rushed her out of the room stopping at the door to have one last look at my art work. Henna pulled me out of the room and down the hall her face was covered with fear but i had a feeling it wasnt cause she had just got bitten and soon found out the reason when she stopped me in the middle of one of the large halls to shout at me. Her already loud voice echoing through the halls over the males screams of pain. "Willow! What have you done! We're surely done for now dont you understand that!, Mr. Dawn is going to kill us! Hes evil, Crazy" She said yelling at me like a protective mother. But i could tell she was only worried about me she couldnt careless about herself She had made thise clear to me a little while ago that is she was dying or if she was turned to kill her or just let her die. I broke one of our promises. I had to breath and calm my mind before i responded i knew how hennes hated when i yelled back at her but my mind was quickly stopped when i heard an oh so familure voice.
"Willow? Henna? What trouble have you caused?" He asked with a raised eyebrow almost like her knew what had happened. Why was he looking at us that way, Does he exspect us to just let the people here do what they want to us?. My head was spinning by this time and I was having trouble breathing. The sickness was taking over me finally after fighting it for so long, Before I could get anything out i ran into a near by bathroom and threw up into the toilets which I would have to clean later. I could not explain the feelings i was having, There was a strange burning sensation running its way down my back throughout my whole body, It felt as if someone was stabbing needles into me. It hurt oh god did it hurt but the voice of Mr. dawn startled me causing an automatic reflex to pulll my head out of the toilet bowl and glance over at him but to my surprie there was no shouts of anger, No insults for my horrible manors only a face full of shock and amazement. Mr. Dawns crimson eyes were lit up with wonder as he searched for the words to say. Another wave of nautia hitting me i began once again throwing up into the once clean toilet while all the bio in my body began to spue out of me i felt a very rough, large hand make its way down my back before tearing at the thread that kept my fair skinned back covered. I was sort of modest in my opinion i don't mean personality wise because let me tell you i have a very colorful vocabulary when i want to but when it comes to my body i had never really been undressed in front of a boy at least not of this level of hotness. God what in the hell is wrong with me thinking about this kind of thing while i could be dying for all i know. Somehow his touch was soothing to me it felt like a cold ice pack was lying against my exstreamly warm skin. I could feel his breath down my back causing my body to react in a strange way my face was a bright red from embarresment and the fact that i had just had my head in the toilet throwing up whatever food i had had in my system. The warmth began to engulf me sending me into another unconscious state before fully going  out i felt a pear of cold arms wrap around my waist as my body was lifted i could feel the air wrap around my aura dancing together in harmony. Days had past i learned since that day my sleep had lasted longer than expected a week and a half to be exact but that was not what made me nervous no, The bed i had awoken in this time was a large black silk king sized place of magic of course there was only one man here who would own a bed so luxurious the one and only Mr. Dawn

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