Destiny Who's she?

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Lying there i couldn't help but glance around his room. it was truly beautiful for a rich asshole he had a wonderful taste in architect and furniture. Suddenly i was punched with the realization that i was fully unclothed beside a pair of panties and a bra that i had never seen before in my life. He had changed me?

"There's no way he undressed me please god, Why do you hate me?" I said with a slight blush before grabbing the silky light black sheet and wrapping it around my body. it felt as if i was being hugged by an warm angel. The sound of my feet tapping on the shiny spotless hard wood floor could drive me crazy. It was silent in his room beside the sound of my breathing and the sheet dragging behind me as i peeked around. Yes i was a very snoopy girl i enjoyed looking around at things that weren't mine, It brought this feeling of satisfaction to me almost as if i was learning something new about somebody that nobody else knew. Me and my horrible posture sat down in a leather chair placed in front of a hard oak desk where some papers were scattered along with a fine tip ink pen lying on top of the papers. I thought it best to not read the papers so i pulled myself out of the chair and made my way to another door which looked to be a closet but when i walked into the dimly lit room i could only guess what the room was used for. My small shakey hand went for the light switch quickly revealing a strange arrangments of all sorts of things from whips to restraints it was like i really was in a 50 shades of grey but ill tell you i am no ana I do not submit to no man. While talking to my self aloud quietly i hadn't noticed that Mr.Dawn had sneaked up behind me and stood there waiting for me to notice. when i went to turn i sighed looking back at him with an angry yet thankful look.

"Ok yes i realised that is rude to barge into your stuff without asking but..."
I was stopped mid-sentence as he began walking towards me pushing me into a clear wall. He had a smirk when i was finally stuck between him and the wall no escape.
"Ok Mr. dawn i am not going to be a part of your dominant fantasy alright im not here to have some really weird rough sex alright so if you don't mind i would love to get back to my own room..."

He smiled at me and moved out of my way but once again stopping me from leaving the room. He had a soft but firm hand on my shoulder he was looking into my eyes i could tell that he was trying to find something to say that wasn't rude and or insulting. He coughed to clear his throat before speaking to me in a calm manner.
"Willow...You can go back to your room at least not for awhile.... Not after what happened in the restrooms. Trust me i don't want you in here as much as you want to be but you are not a threat to my home and if anyone unwelcomed was to see your mark then we would all have a problem your life would be in danger.."

I wanted to believe him his voice was just so trusting but i guess i had no choice really. But what did he mean mark and i thought my life was already in danger here how can it be in even more dangerous than living with a mansion full of blood sucking vampires. I couldn't help but pipe up with a snidey remark.
'I don't know if you have noticed but my life is in danger now!"
Anger rose up inside me as I pushed past him quickly storming out of the room faster then I ever thought possible for me. My feet stomped down the grand halls with speed searching left and right for henna. Was she ok that's all I could wonder that all I could think about until I found her. Henna was in her normal spot cleaning the kitchen quietly as she pacing the floor back and fourth was she worried about me?.

Henna POV Seeing willow put a new found hope in me that I realised was now an big part of my life. We had only met a few weeks ago but it feels as if I have known the poor girl for years like somehow she and I were meant to meet. Maybe there really is a god watching over us measly humans trapped in a world such as this one. Willow looked worried but when I pulled her into my arms I felt her shoulders slump and her breathing return to normal pace she was worried about me instead of her own well-being. To be truthful I was curious about what 'His' Room was like I was the one who carried her to his room I know she would have thrown a fit if he carried her, I was also the one to undress her and change her. She had a very beautiful body I could never understand why she was so self conscious of herself she looked like a goddess. Like she had been hand made by the gods themselves. She was perfectly curvy but thin waisted perfect body type that any guy would want, She even made me jealous at times. Willow began telling me all the details about what his room was like his large soft bed and even the strange room she walked into but I was just glad to hear her beautiful voice again I don't know what I would have  done if I had lost her, She was my only connection that kept me sane all this time surrounded by monsters. While she spoke my hands began traveling tracing the new mark she had gotten all of us were confused about what she had gotten this and what it meant but it truly added to her beauty. She stopped speaking and asked me what I was doing I couldn't help but shrug my shoulders and smile before giving her a mirror to check it out on her own. Her eyes had widened with shock before she looked at me and then back at the mirror it was truely a sight to see.

Willow's POV

"W..what in gods name i this henna!? What happened!?' I couldn't help but shout at her as i stared deep into the mirror, I couldn't believe what i was looking at. a tree a large dead tree covered my whole back along with thorns entwining themselves around the tree stump down my sides and around my ankles as well as along my neck line and color bone. My whole body now covered in some strange tattoo that had appeared out of nowhere out of the blue.
"Am i going to die?, How in the hell am i suppose to hide this from anyone?'"
Of course as i spoke Michael's voice rang through my ears i didn't even have to look at his face to hear the confusion in his voice. How in the hell am i too explain this to him, am i even allowed to tell him?. turning to him i made a slight smile before looking away not knowing what to do i panicked and looked over at henna then Michael. I knew if Mr.Dawn knew i was seen he would be killed
"Oh no...Micheal we have to go!"
Quickly i reached out grabbing his wrist and pulling him quickly down the halls before pulling him into the room that was mine. Of course i had to get dressed quickly so no one else would see the strange mark on my body. Grabbing a pear of black skinny jeans and a black top that filled out at the bottom along with a matching jacket slipping on an cute yet useful outfit that would keep most of the mark covered i opened my window which seemed to lead to the forest at the back of the building.
"Come on Micky we gotta run fast alright?"

We both ran fast into the forest going deeper and deeper until we both ran out of breath, it wasn't that we were unfit to tell ya the truth i had been in gymnastics and he in track but it had been a while and this place had been doing bad things to our human bodies. Michael and i sat against a tree for about 20 to 30 minutes trying to catch our breaths as quietly as possible. For some reason i felt as if i could sense Mr.Dawn like his presence was near so I told Michael to continue without me and be as quiet as he can. I now if any of us could make it out of here he had the better chance. The forest was beautifully lit by the sun the weather perfect for a jog really if it wasn't jogging to save your own life. I knew Mr.Dawn was near when i heard a leaf crackle beneath feet other than mine.
"I know you're there so might as well stop treating me like your prey and stop stalking me...alright? I stopped running so just take me already i don't know anymore just kill me it might be easier for you now at this point..."

Sometimes i really thought i was pretty stupid but i had to be tough for the ones around me, If i was to protect anyone i would have to stay strong and learn how to protect myself as well. Placing my two feet firmly on the ground i looked him in the eye as he appeared out of thin air smiling at me like he had won something. "Willow, I caught your brother... If you make it easy for me i will make his death quick and painless am i understood?"

"of course i understand, But i don't understand the part where you think you're going to lay a finger on my brother, So help me god if you even a simply scratch him i will find a way to kill you whether it be steak through the heart or burning you to little bits i will do it and have no problem with it got it?"
His smile pissed me off i could feel something strange growing inside of me,
Strength...That's the feeling i was standing my ground for my brother and there was no way in hell i would allow this male to hurt my brother my only family left at the moment. when Michael came into view Mr.Dawn was on him faster then i can blink but something strange happened when i watched him try and kill my brother the small feeling became stronger almost over whelming until finally i broke.
Shouting as lo9ud as i could Mr.Dawn went flying back into a tree almost as if some strange force pushed him into the air away from us makng me feel a little cocky i walked twords him with a winner stride and laughed pointing at him before i ran back to the palace with my brother behind me. My question was where did that power come from and how did i a human use it, These questions needed to be answered but who was to answer thems no one knew and i cant just go asking random vampires if there know whats wrong with me. Destiny has got some things instore for me boy she is a tough girl to get along with if i mmight add. What to do what to do. will Mr.Dawn kill us when he arrives back here or will he be impressed with my strange strength?.

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