Apartment Date I guess? (V)

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Me and Wonyoung went at the Apartment complex and we went to the 4th floor where my room is. I unlocked the room and she saw the room. This isn't that messy Oppa! she said. Well for me It's messy. I said. It'll just get messy on what she'll do. Naughty bunny. We went on my bed and we turned on the Television. We chatted until she removed her coat... and jacket for some reason. I blushed heavily and she removed my coat and jacket too. Now, I'm really curious why she did this. Wonyoung asked me Do you like me like this on you Oppa? I said hmm... Yea-- when I was saying "Yeah"she pushed me by my bed and she was on top of me. She kissed me again. And it was longer than in the park. She really is a naughty bunny.

Wonyoung stopped and she removed her Jogger pants. She had shorts on for some reason under those pants. She proceeded to kiss me again. -_-. After a record-breaking 30 minutes, she stopped but curled up by my side and she threw the blanket over us. Wonyoung then hugged me and she said Oppa, you're enjoying this huh? And I nervously said Y... yeah... And she giggled and she went to sleep while hugging me. I closed the television and I slept with her for the rest of the hour. It hit 2:42 PM and we slept for 2 hours. We slept at 12 Noon. When Wonyoung woke up, she saw me sleeping. She said How about I surprise Oppa? And that's what she exactly did. She went up on top of me. Playing with my face. She was poking my cheeks, forehead, and she was kissing me. When he kissed me by the neck, that's when the time I woke up. I said What the heck?!? What was that?!? and when I was shouting, she said Oppa! Don't worry. It's just me. Good Afternoon my angel. And then my mind went clear. I said Ah, it's just you Wonyoung. Good afternoon. She asked Do you like me on top of you? And I became speechless. She giggled and she twitched something. I was surprised and then I went up. Wonyoung went down and I sat on my bed. She said Come on Oppa, you loved that didn't you. Now, I'm really embarrassed. This bunny really is naughty. Naughtier than what I expected.

Wonyoung wore her coat and Jogger pants again and I accompanied her to their dorm. She said I really had fun with you Oppa. Thanks for giving me a fun time. I then said Me too. I loved it as well. Wonyoung said You know what we can do tomorrow? I asked What is that? She said, how about a trip to the Carnival tomorrow? I'll invite everyone! If you want, you can invite your friends to! I said Sure thing! Let's meet here tomorrow then. We agreed and when I waved goodbye, she kissed me on the cheek and she went inside their dorm. I went back to my apartment and I told about my friends about the plan. Minho contacted Taehyung, Mahiro to join them, and some of his other friends. It was then 5:15 PM and other IZ*ONE members saw me on the apartment complex. I was going to buy dinner for me. Members Yuri, Hyewon, and Minju asked me Hey Minho! What we're you doing here? I replied I have an apartment here. At the 4th floor. They we're shocked and they said You have an apartment here?! We didn't knew about that! What Apartment number do you have? they asked and I said Apartment 831 on the 4th floor. They said they might come and visit me one time and I said you can. We parted ways and I bought my dinner. It was just some side dishes and some rice.

I returned back at the apartment with some side dishes and rice. I went inside my apartment and I saw side dishes on my table. There was also a little note saying "Oppa, please enjoy this. Please eat a lot and stay healthy! - From your lovable Bunny Wonyoung" Wonyoung bought me some side dishes and some rice. I feel a little bit bad because, I did bought some side dishes for myself and rice but I wouldn't think she would buy me some too. I then returned the favour for tomorrows event but just keep reading it. So, I went back upstairs and I slid down a note to their door to thank them. I went down and ate dinner in peace. 

7:08 PM

It was 7PM, I went to my laptop and I studied for school. It was almost summer and I'm about to graduate 4th Year of High School. I just needed to pass some requirements to Mr. Ahn and I was about to graduate with a Valedictorian Role. Then, I received a message from an unknown number. I checked my phone where I saved Wonyoung's phone number and it was hers. She was chatting with me. She said "Oppa, how was dinner?" I said "It was good. Thank you for the side dishes" She replied quickly "Your welcome Oppa! I can't wait for tomorrow." I said "Me too. Me and my friends will be there." She replied "I'm excited Oppa." She replied. I then replied to her "Me too. Let's see each other again tomorrow" She replied "Alright Oppa! I love you my Angel Oppa!" And I said "I Love you too." I studied for 45 minutes and she texted me "I can't sleep Oppa" I told her if she wants, "go downstairs to my apartment so we can talk" and she said "Alright!" At this point, I'm still studying for the final examination but I can't forget about Wonyoung.

7:55 PM

I'm done studying for my final examinations. After I finished, Wonyoung knocked on the door. I opened the door and she pushed me by the wall. She said Oppa, I can't sleep. I said, Alright, hold on, please let go off me first. She then pushed me to the bed and I sat down with her. I asked Is there anything bothering you? And she replied Nothing. I just don't feel comfortable without you. I blushed heavily and asked Why aren't you comfortable because I'm not there? She said Because, I've became closer to you Oppa. I love you Oppa. grabs me by the jaw and kisses me. She's a naughty bunny if haven't told you. She stopped and said I'll text Eunbi-unnie and I'll sleep here with you. I became nervous and curious so, I said O... ok? Then she texted Eunbi. I was at the other room, printing my reports for school next week. When Eunbi replied "Sure" I overheard her saying Yay! I'm sleeping with Oppa tonight! How should I make him comfortable though? I was then too busy making my reports and what I'm going to pass. Wonyoung went to the other room and she asked Oppa what is that? I replied Oh, it's my reports for next week. She was confused Isn't it Christmas Break already? I said Well, I'm a Valedictorian, my graduation is early. She said Really?! Awww My Oppa is so smart!! She said. I said I was about to sleep now. I'm done with my reports. I'm changing into my sleep clothes. She then said Oppa, I'll sleep by you tonight. I'll be your fairy. Wonyoung ran to the bed while waiting for me to change. 

8:00 PM

I just changed to my clothes and she's at the bed waiting for me. She said Oppa, please comfort me! I said, Hold on, I'll just close my laptop. When I went to the other room, she stood up from the bed and pulled me by the neck to the bed. She hid under the blankets when I found her. She said Oops You found me! I said, Get out of there, you can't breathe under there. She said Ok Oppa! After that, she went and laid on the pillow while hugging me. She said Do I look like a fairy Oppa? I said You always look like one. She blushed and said Oppa, let's sleep now. I said, Alright and I poke her nose. She then kissed me like she haven't yet and she said Good Night Oppa. I said Good night Unnie.

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