My Graduation (XII)

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My Graduation

Apparently, the Co-member's parents filed a lawsuit against me and my family, also Mahiro's family. We went to the Police Station with my parents, Mahiro's parents, and Wonyoung's parents. The Judge said to present our cases. We had a good lawyer and they also had a good lawyer. The lawyer asked me several questions. He asked What we're you doing with Ms. Jang at 6 PM? I said Well, we we're going back from School after decorating the Auditorium, we stopped by 7-Eleven and we bought some food and then He came along with 3 friends and they harassed my Girlfriend. The next Question was Could you literally say that you're both in a relationship? How could you prove it? I showed him my Ring and Wonyoung showed her ring. We're in a relationship by this ring. The lawyer then asked How did you know that it was my Defendant that was harassing Ms. Jang? I said Well, I know his voice. He has a high-tone voice, he has a smirked face and voice, and he is the youngest among the 60 graduating students. By the way, the teachers we're all in our side. The lawyer asked the final question Was it true that you beaten up my Client? I said Yes. Yes, I did. No one can harass my Girlfriend. It violates the Human Civil Rights code of the Korean Constitution! My lawyer then said OBJECTION YOUR HONOR! The Objection went through and the proof of the Lawyer of the other side forfeited.

Wonyoung was then called to the stand. She was asked Ms. Jang, what did my Client do to you? She said Well, he asked when me and Minho became a couple. This started when we we're in the Auditorium. The lawyer asked What Harassment did he did to you? She said He touched my legs and my face. I pushed his hand back and he continued to push me. It was making me feel uncomfortable. My lawyer Objected the hearing and the Judge went through with the Objection. The other side rejected the objection but the judge threatens to go with the Defender's Case, which was us.

11:29 AM

The judge started the break and then the co-member went up to me. He said You piece of trash! And punches me. The police stopped him and I got severely injured when he punched my arm because he didn't want me to retaliate again. His parents saw it and they stopped him but he cannot contain his anger. The police and his lawyer maintained his anger but he couldn't stop. Wonyoung treated me and held my arm and comforted me. My mom asked Minho, do you need more ice? I shake my head and said No. This Ice is fine for me. Wonyoung was holding the ice on my arm and the co-member started staring at us. I didn't even eat Lunch. Mrs. Joy asked me Minho, you should eat Lunch now. I said I don't need to eat. I'm fine. She understood went back to the seats at the back of us.

12:15 PM

The Judge returned and he saw me in pain. The judge asked me Why are you in pain? I replied the offense punched me. The lawyer of the offense asked Your honor, he doesn't have proof of it. My dad then stood up and said No your honor, we do have proof. Here is a video of it. The judge watched the footage and he went with the decisions. The ruling was over and the Judge said the decision with the lawsuit filed against Kim Min-ho and his parents by the Offensive, Kim Min-ho will be proven NOT GUILTY for his actions. The offensive shall be filed against the harassment occurrence in front of 7-Eleven, shall be proven GUILTY under the Bill of Rights stated at the Republic of Korean Constitution. He shall pay a total of 63 Million Won because of his wrongdoings and to heal the wounds and he broken bones of Kim Min-ho. He shall also be stripped off his Scholarship from Yonsei University in the upcoming year to come and shall return to the 1st Year of High School. Disciplinary measures shall be given to the Offensive and the Parents of the offensive. With the proof being very strong, there is no denial that Wonyoung and Minho are dating and is a doing that they have from the last 6 months. Then the judged shouted So Ordered! And his gavel hit the stand. The lawyers shook hands with the Offensive and the Principal announced that he will be returning to the school for 1st Year of High School. I was praying that we can win the lawsuit and we did. Wonyoung was crying with joy while hugging me and saying I know we can win this Oppa! I said I know we could Babe~ and I kissed her cheek. We left with my arm still injured.

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