Side OC Stories

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MissAvarice going chronologically we would have to start nearly 200 years ago...

Dragon hunting has long been a sport to the rich nobles. Dragons could fetch a high price. The scales were more valuable than gold. They could used used in shields, armour, or spells for the magic. In a similar way the blood was used by those into the dark arts. A single dragons tear can heal just about any wound.

As the normal dragons began to die out it was the reclusive dragon shifters that became the main targets of the hunt.  Humans were not the greatest threat to dragon shifters at the time.

Dragon shifters did not follow the same rules and traditions as other hybrids, they usually chose to stay to themselves or in small family groups. One family group was in charge of setting rules for the dragons. They'd chosen to keep the race a secret. Others did not agree with this. If humans wanted to hunt them, then they would burn down the humans villages. Tempers were quick to rise and a war between the dragon shifters broke out.

There was Marue, the eldest son of the leader of the dragons. He was fighting to help keep his father in rein. It wasn't right to slaughter all humans for the mistake of the few.

And there was Netile, a young dragon shifter with the extremely rare gift of spiritual magic.

Marue was 28 when he was sent off on a secretive mission of his own. He was in charge of finding out who was leading the opposing side and taking them down.

Netile was only 17. She had been told she had to use her gift to make captured fighters from the opposing side tell all their secrets and plans.

It was only fate that the two would be brought together. Marue had let himself be captured in hopes to meet a high tanking dragon shifter. After all, they seemed to pry information from the captured dragons with ease. He was shocked when a small girl, not quite old enough to be considered a woman, was brought into the room.

One touch and Natile was entranced with the depth of Marue's mind. She'd never felt anything quite like it before. She had trouble finding the information she was told to gather but she did learn something easily, he didn't like this fighting.

Natile helped Marue escape and ran away with him. The two hid far from the battles in the mountains for years until the dragons had finished. They never bothered to hear which side won. Netile and Marue fell in love in their years together and soon Natile was pregnant at the age of 19.

The two had had some close calls with dragon hunters in the past and Netile begged Marue to find somewhere safe for them to raise their child.

Marue did much more than that for his wife. He found a small, uninhabited island and built dozens of dens. He then began to collect peaceful dragons.

The Island for Dragons was created and protected by very powerful magic. Netile and Marue were the Chief and Chieftess. Anyone could leave the island but only those with permission could reenter or even find it again due to the magic. It was a place where dragons could be safe.

Mavati was born and raised on that island where the clan lived as a large family and enjoyed their days of peace.

Mavati showed great skill with her spirit magic as it developed and was quite large for a female dragon. She was a great leader. Following in her mother's footsteps she married young, at 20 years old, to the head warrior. A man names Aruli. She and Aruli had a child shortly after the marriage, a little boy by the name of Marcus.

A year after the birth a tragedy struck. Mavati had left the island with her mother to bring her to her final resting place. Netile wished to die in the land where she had fallen in love with Marue, the land where his ashes had been scattered. Mavati was only gone for two days and she still does not know what happened exactly in that time.

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