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It's not long after we board Jace's private plane, that we're taking off. I got to meet the pilot briefly, his name is Paul. I'm currently seated by a window on the plane, thinking about mine and Leslie's conversation this morning.

It's clear to me I feel something towards Jace, but what it is I feel exactly, I'm not sure. Is it lust? Is it a crush? Is it more? Who knows. But I need to figure it out, soon. And then, I need to get over it. I know right now isn't the time to be dating someone else, and since that someone else can't be Jace, I need to move past whatever these feelings are, until it is the right time to start dating again.

"Lana?" His deep voice pulls me from my thoughts. I look up, to see him standing in front of me. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good." I smile up at him. He sits next to me and pulls a laptop tray over to him, that has his laptop on top of it.

"We have a while to go, get some sleep," he says, and I shake my head. I lean against him, and watch what he's working on. He smiles down at me, and does something I don't expect. He leans down, and kisses my forehead. "Sleep. I'll be here when you wake up."


After our nearly fourteen hour flight, we finally make it to Italy a little after 8am, since Rome is eight hours ahead of California. The jet lag is real. Other than the plane ride from Seattle to California when I moved, this is the only other airplane I've been on.

I slept most of the plane ride, snuggled up against Jace. When I woke up, he was asleep next to me, his head resting against mine, and we were landing. Luckily, we both were buckled, and his laptop was put away. I had gently woken him up, and he gave me a beautiful smile as soon as he saw me.

We just arrived at the hotel, and got checked in, only to realize an important factor about our room. They only booked us a room with one bed, instead of two.

"I'll just sleep on the couch," Jace says with a shrug, as we step into the room.

"Absolutely not. We can just... sleep in the same bed. On opposite sides of course," I say, trying to sound nonchalant, but my heart is racing in my chest. If either of us slept on the couch, we'd be in pain the whole trip.

"Are you sure?" he asks, sitting on the edge of the bed, taking his shoes off.

"Yeah. I'm gonna go change, and pass out for a bit," I tell him, and grab one of my bags, and go into the bathroom. I let out a sigh, when I realize what I packed for pajamas. Large shirts. No pants. When I thought I had my own room. I strip out of my clothes, and throw the shirt over my head, and let my hair down.

Here goes nothing.

When I walk back into the room, Jace is under the covers, and I can tell from his bare chest he's wearing only pajama pants. I have to pull my eyes away from his chest, and see him checking me out. I blush, and walk over to the bed, climbing under the blanket.

After a few minutes, I hear his breathing steady, telling me he's asleep. I turn on my side, facing him, looking at his beautiful peaceful sleeping face. I've come to the conclusion that it's more than just lust that I feel towards him. I'm crushing on him, hard, maybe even falling for him.

When I was with Ty, I always found Jace attractive. Who wouldn't? But now, it's different. We're closer than we were then. I'm really starting to fall for my ex-boyfriends dad, who also happens to be my boss. How the fuck do I get out of this?

It suddenly gets harder to breathe, laying so close to him. I quietly get out of bed, and walk over to our balcony. I step outside into the cool morning air, and take a deep breath. I have to get over him. If I can't, I might have to find a different job.

"Lana?" Jace asks from behind me, making me jump. I don't turn around though, I continue looking out over the city. "What's wrong? You should be sleeping."

"Couldn't sleep," I respond, regretting coming out here in only my large shirt.

**** JACE'S POV****

I can't keep my eyes off of her ass. She's leaning on the railing of the balcony, making her shirt ride up, showing her black underwear. I look her up and down, taking in every inch of her beautiful body. She finally turns around, and I take a step closer to her.

"Is it just me?" I ask, and she furrows her eyebrows in confusion.

"Is what just you?" she questions, as I step even closer.

"Feeling this strong connection between us." She looks at me surprised. Apparently I'm not the only one.

"I um... no. You're not the only one."

"As much as I want you, sexually, emotionally, in every way there is, it can't happen. We have to find a way to work together, and not let whatever this is continue." She looks down at her feet, and I know I've just hurt her. "I'm sorry, Lana."

"Don't. You can't do that to Ty. I get it. Plus the whole, you're my boss thing, it wouldn't work. But, would it be so wrong to have just one night together?" she asks boldly, surprising me. "Technically, you're not my boss right now."

"I don't know, Lana...," I trail off, doing everything in my power to refrain from taking her, right here, right now.

"I need to get you out of my system. Maybe then I can think clearly around you," she tells me, and I can tell we've both made up our minds.

One night.

I take her by the hand, and lead her back into the room, closing the balcony doors behind us. I sit on the bed, and look up at her.

"Come here," I softly demand, my voice husky. She walks up to me, and sits on my lap, straddling me. I lift her shirt over her head, revealing her bare chest and black lace underwear. "Fuck. You are so beautiful."

"You're wearing too much clothing," she says, making me chuckle. I stand us up, and lay her down on the bed, stripping of my pajama pants. She looks down at the growing bulge in my boxers, and bites her lip. I push my boxers down, and she gasps. "Fuck."

"Now you're wearing too much clothing," I whisper, smirking. I slide her underwear down her legs, and toss them off to the side. After I roll a condom onto my length, I hover over her, crashing my lips on hers. She lets out a moan, driving me crazy.

"Please,"  begs, and I instantly push myself inside of her. We both let out loud moans, and I slowly start to pump in and out of her. She moans my name, "fuck Jace, faster!"

I begin to thrust into her roughly, bending her knees for better access. I let out a loud groan, loving the noises she's making for me.

"Fuck! Don't stop!" she all but yells, making me move faster and thrust into her harder.

"Scream my name," I demand, and she does.

"Fuck! Jace!" She releases around me, and I release right after her. I pull out of her, toss the condom in the trash, and fall onto the bed next to her.

"Wow," I breathe, looking over at her.

"Agreed," she says, sounding out of breath too. "Wanna go again?"

So much for one and done.

Edited 09/18/2020

The Possessive Mr. Kingsley (Kingsley Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now