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"You know, I'm still not used to you being a blonde," Jace comments, twirling a strand of my hair around his finger.

"I'm planning to change it back soon, so you don't have to get used to it," I tell him with a smile.

"You look absolutely beautiful with any hair color, don't change it because of me, baby."

"Thank you, baby. And I'm not, it's been almost a month, I'm kind of over it already."

I'm currently straightening my hair, before we go out to dinner. We're going on a triple date, with James and Leslie, and Hunter and Hillary. When I brought it up to Jace a couple days ago, he didn't have any problem with it, just like I thought.

Tomorrow, we leave for Seattle, to spend Thanksgiving with my family. I asked Jace if he wanted to invite Ty, or if that would be weird, and he said Ty already has plans with his new girlfriend, that he apparently treats a lot better. I'm happy for the both of them, sincerely.

I no longer have anything against Ty, and my feelings for him ended long before we broke up. He's gotten his shit together, even if a lot of fucked up stuff had to happen for him to get there. He's turning his life around, and I'm happy for him. I'm not gonna be one of those ex-girlfriends that goes to the new girlfriend and talks shit. He's trying to start over. But, if I do hear he's done anything, I'll definitely kick his ass into the next year. I'll stick up for this girl if need be, but I'm not gonna mess up their happiness from being petty. That's not me.

"What time are we meeting them?" Jace asks, straightening his royal blue tie he's wearing. He picked it so he could match my dress. He's so cute.

"At seven," tell him, finishing my hair and makeup, and stripping out of his button up shirt I'm wearing. Leaving me completely naked.

"Fucking hell, Lana," Jace curses, his eyes scanning up and down me. "If we're going to this dinner, I need you to not do that, or I'll fuck you right now."

I blush at his words, and saunter over to where my clothes are. I've been staying at his house more often than my place, but we're not to the moving in together stage yet. I bend over to grab my white lace bra and panties set, when suddenly, I'm being lifted into the air, and laid down on the bed.

"Jace, what are you doing?" I giggle. He hovers over me, and kisses me passionately.

"We have plenty of time, and you're just too damn tempting."


And that's how we ended up being twenty minutes late.

"So glad you guys could show up," Leslie teases, as Jace and I sit down at the table. I blush and look down at my menu, trying to hide my red face. Everyone chuckles, probably knowing exactly why we're late.

"It's not my fault my girlfriend is smoking hot," Jace comments, and I smack his arm.

"Jace Alexander!" I scold him, making everyone laugh.

"Hey, no biggie. We were almost late too," Hillary says with a laugh.

"See, they understand." Jace smirks, and I roll my eyes at him.

"It's so nice to finally meet you, Hillary!" I say, happy to change the subject.

"You too! Hunter has told me so much about you." Jace's jaw clenches, so I grab his hand under the table, trying to calm him down.

"Yeah, I told her how close we've gotten the past couple months, and how you're like a little sister to me," Hunter adds in, mostly directed towards Jace, who slightly calms down.

"Even though I have two older brothers already, I gladly except you as a third," I tease, making everyone laugh.

"So, how long have you and Jace been together?" Hillary asks, after we've all ordered our food, and get our drinks.

"About four months. But I've known him close to a year now."

"Aw, that's awesome. How did you meet?" she asks, and Jace and I look at each other. James and Leslie laugh at the awkwardness, and Leslie takes this one for us.

"Jace has a son, named Tyler. He used to be a real douchebag, but Tyler dated Lana, and she broke up with him for being said douchebag. She started working for Jace, they fell in love, and they lived happily ever after," Leslie says, and that about sums it up, sort of.

"Oh wow. I mean, I'm so happy you guys found each other. I'm sure it wasn't easy," Hillary comments, and I smile at her. She really is a sweet girl.

"It's all in the past. How did you and Hunter meet?"

"We met about four years ago, also through work. Then I was assigned a position in Vegas, and the long distance thing didn't work out well for us. But I moved back a couple months ago, and we knew we couldn't waste another minute apart, and Hunter proposed," she finishes with a smile.

That's something Jace and I have yet to talk about. Marriage. I mean, he's turning thirty-seven in a few weeks, and I turned twenty-one a couple months ago. There's a lot to talk about. Of course I want to get married, but if he does too, how soon would he want to do so? And would he want anymore kids?

"Hey, where'd you're beautiful mind go?" Jace whispers to me, as the waiter brings our food to us.

"Just thinking. We can talk about it later." I smile at him, but I know he can tell isn't not real.

I try to not overthink things, but when it's something that could possibly break our relationship, I can't help it.
Edited 09/19/2020

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