CHAPTER 5 : Dead Of Night

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I sat at my bay window staring out into the forest. I had my legs pulled up against my chest, my head resting on my arm that was plopped on top of my knees. I aimlessly drew shapes on the window, too bothered to actually fall asleep.

     What happened in those woods had scared me to death and maybe in the height of fear I might have imagined a few of the details. Adrian was probably right, it could have been a deer. What else could it have possibly have been?

     But what bothered me most was how Adrian had treated me. I didn't appreciate his condescending tone. He treated me like a kid telling stories of the bogeyman. He didn't have to be a jerk about it. And to think I was actually falling for him.

    It was stupid of me anyway. I should have known this was going to happen. Of course not this specifically, it's not like I expected to be attacked. I actually thought maybe Adrian and I could be friends, I was being delusional. But it's not like I actually believed we would be anything more. I guess I was wrong. He didn't even want to be my friend. I wrapped my other arm around my knees and faced down willing myself not to cry. I wasn't going to cry, not over him.

Pebbles clinked against the glass pane of the window, making me jerk my head up and look out the window. Standing outside my bedroom window was none other than the jerk himself.

     "What are you doing here?" I whisper-shouted as I opened the window and stuck my head out into the icy night.

     "Come down," he commanded.

     "No," there was no way in hell I was going down there. Firstly it was the middle of the night, and secondly I was mad at him. What was he thinking? He made me feel bad, I wasn't about to look past that.

     "I'll just wait here, until you do," he said stubbornly, folding his arms over his chest . I should have left him standing in the cold all night. He deserved it but the thought of doing so, had me feeling guilty. It seemed cruel.

     "Okay, fine. I'll be down in a minute," I retrieved a hoodie and the pair of jeans I was wearing earlier. I tugged my jeans up my legs and stuck my arms into the sleeves of my black hoodie and dragged it over my head.

     Sneaking out was easy enough, it was past midnight and the house was quiet meaning that everyone was already in bed. I tiptoed down the stairs and into the dining room, heading out through the patio doors. Adrian was still standing in the exact same spot I left him, under my bedroom window. He turned to face me with a smirk growing on his face as I approached him.

    "What do you want?" my words were cold as I folded my arms over my chest with a huff.

     "To apologize," the smirk melted off his face, replaced by a more a apologetic expression. He genuinely seemed sorry but I wasn't going to let him off the hook that easily. He could be sorry all he wanted and look at me with his big ole pleading forest green eyes all he wanted, I wasn't forgiving him. I stayed firm keeping my arms by my chest with a scowl on my face. That is until he started pouting. He looked so cute and I couldn't resist. Man I was weak. How did he have that much power over me?

      "Fine," I said dropping my hands to my sides, "if that's all you wanted, I'm going to bed now," I turned to head back inside but he grabbed my arm and turned me back to him.

       "We're going for a walk," he stated.

        "It's late," I tried to protest but he was already walking.

        "Are you coming?" He asked and I started walking after him, against my better judgement. He led me deep into the woods. He was ahead of me while I was sadly falling behind. It was really dark now, the stars reigned over the sky as we trenched through the muddy leave littered ground.

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