CHAPTER 6 : Live Like Legends

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When Friday finally arrived I was more than excited to attend the game. I had never actually been to a football game and the prospect of going to one had me all giddy. But I was also really nervous. I would be attending the game with Paige and her friends. Paige was nice and we got along pretty well but I had never actually talked to any of her friends. I was terrible when it came to being around people I wasn't used to.

I had heard a bit about them from Abby and other kids around the school. Which really did nothing to calm my nerves. Paige hung around the most popular group in the school, which consisted of four members excluding Paige. There was Davis Youth the captain of the football team, he was tall, buff and creditably intimidating. He was one of those guys I used to work really hard to avoid back at my old school, the kind of guy who looked like he could eat you alive if you looked at him the wrong way.

Lilith Russo was just about the cutest thing I'd ever seen. She was five feet five, had dark chestnut hair that curled around her cute heart shaped face and big sparkling chocolate brown eyes, that lit up every time she laughed. She was beautiful as well as brilliant. She was at the top of every single one of her classes from what I had heard.

Oscar Smith, the party king of West Chapel high. According to rumors Oscar threw the most legendary parties. He was also part of the football team. He seemed like was your typical jock, loud, self absorbed and just plain old obnoxious. I didn't think I would like him very much.

Lastly, Brent Elliot, Paige's boyfriend. He was captain of the debate team, had a 3.6 GPA, and he was captain of the basketball team. He was tall, well built, perfectly tanned, had dirty blonde hair cut short and crystal blue eyes. He was cute in a surfer kind of way. He seemed easy going.

Honestly I was terrified to hang out with them. I was probably going to mess it up somehow. They were the popular kids and I was just me. Marcus Nelson the socially awkward new kid. I was going to blow this, I knew it.

Standing in the parking lot I spotted Paige and her friends standing by her car. My first instinct was to run. It wasn't too late, I could just back away, call Harrod to come pick me up and make up some excuse about being sick or something. I didn't have to do this.

She was laughing at something Oscar said, they all were, when her eyes landed on me. She waved me over and I swear I felt my stomach drop, this was it. My mind told my body to move but it refused to cooperate. It refused to walk straight forward into a lions dan. They would rip me to sheds if I gave them the opportunity. My only option was to run for the hills and find a hiding spot shrouded away from their view. I was scared but of what exactly, I wasn't sure.

What was the worst that could happen? My fear had no standing. I was being ridiculous. They were just people, flesh and blood, nothing to be afraid of. I was being irrational and I knew it. So with a large gulp I swallowed down my paranoia and I approached them.

They were just human...

"Hi Mark" Paige said wrapping her arms around my neck in an awkward hug I failed to reciprocate but it was over soon enough.

"Guys, this is Mark" she said "Mark, these are my friends, Lily, Brent, Oscar and Davis," She introduced them as she pointed each one of them out to me then she looked at me expectantly.

Oh right, it was my turn to speak.

"Hi," I said sheepishly and I nervously bit my bottom lip. They all greeted me with friendly smiles calming my nerves to a certain degree.

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