CHAPTER 20 : Hold Your Breath

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Marcus : Who's coming? 

     They didn't reply. I paced my room impatiently, staring intensely at my screen as if that would make them answer me. But if there was one thing I'd leant about this mystery person was that they weren't big on explanations. 

     What should I do?

      I tossed my phone onto my bed. I ran my hands frantically through my hair. This was bad, like really bad. I continued pacing, groaning when I accidentally stubbed my toe on my dresser. I winced in pain stumbling back to my bed.

      Who was this person? Why were they sending me these messages? I didn't like that I was so much in the dark. It was like the more I knew the more I didn't. Each answered question gave birth to five more questions. I was getting sick of being clueless. 

      All I knew was I couldn't ignore this. The last time I did, I almost got kidnapped by demons. I'd thought it was just some kid playing a prank on me, but after the fiasco on halloween I couldn't deny that the warnings were real. I couldn't take them idly. 

      Whoever this person was, was clearly trying to help me. Which meant they were coming after me. They presumably being the demons after me. I had to tell someone. I was in danger. I didn't want to be taken. Who knew what these warped creatures had installed for me. 

      I grabbed my phone dialing for the one person I thought could help. She answered on the third ring, "Hello?" 

       "Abby, I need to talk to the council," I said a little too fast. 

       "Marcus?" I heard sheets ruffling, "it's late."

        "It's important," I explained. 

        "If this has to do with Adrian, I told you, you don't have to worry. I'm sure he's fine." 

        "It's not about him. I can't really explain over the phone. Please Abby, I need you to help me," I pleaded. 

        "I'll be there in ten minutes." 

       "Thanks," I said before hanging up. 

       I changed out of my sweatpants into a pair of black jeans, before putting on shoes. I waited on my bed my leg bouncing nervously. Fifteen minutes passed and she wasn't here. What was taking her so long? 

        "Abby!" I jumped to my feet, when she suddenly appeared in my room. I came up to stand in front of her. 

       "This better be good, I was sleeping," she held her hand over her mouth stifling a yawn.

       "I think the demons are about to make their move," I said and her brows furrowed. 

       "What are you talking about?" 

       I handed her the phone, "I don't know who this person is, but they were right last time. This person was right that I'd get attacked at the party," I explained to her. She scrolled further down reading the rest of the messages before handing it back to me.

        "Why didn't you tell me about this?" 

         "I thought it was a prank at first. Plus I've had a lot on my mind lately," I told her. Which was the truth. These last three weeks had been hectic. After all I had discovered lately, it wasn't a shocker that I was little absent minded. 

          "Okay, we have to show the council, but I'm not sure if they'll meet with us." She worried her bottom lip.

         "We have to try," I told her, taking her hand, she simply nodded. Smoke swarmed us, pulling us through the universe as we teleported to Alon. We landed in front of a massive mahogany door that seemed oddly familiar to me for some reason. I pushed the thought aside. I'd never been here before.

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