Meeting Jihoon - Chapter 2

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Mashiho's POV:

As I finished telling Hyunsuk hyung my story, I heard airy sobs causing me to look at him and I noticed he was also crying.

"Hey, hyung don't worry about it. I'll be fine."

He replied,

"Shiho, I wasn't there for you when you most needed me. I should've been there for you. I feel so bad. I'm sorry." I said to him,

"It's truly okay you know? You're here now and that's all that matters." Haerim came running to us with a scratch on her leg. She was pouting but wasn't crying. Hyunsuk hyung's strong girl, isn't she?

"Hey Shiho, we'll get going now. You should come along. I want to show you my house and brag about it cuz believe me, little you would've started screaming after seeing it."

I rolled my eyes and said,

"Oh shut up you brat. Let's just go ugh."

All he did was laugh at my annoyed face. We entered his street and he pointed to the third house to the row to our left. It was truly beautiful and me being me, was so immersed in staring at the house that I didn't even notice that we entered the same street as his house.

It wasn't until I got out and noticed Junkyu hyung's house at the far end of the street. Memories rushed in causing me to look away immediately but I had this strange urge to look back and as I did, I saw Junkyu hyung talking to his driver with those very glistening big eyes that made me fall in love with him. Those eyes that I could not mistake for anyone else's but his. They held a special place in my heart. The driver started driving off but that wasn't my main focus at the moment. Junkyu hyung had this mysterious smile on his face and even though I wasn't happy, I felt content knowing that he was happy. I remembered the pain I saw in his eyes that day, it was a nice change from that. When they passed by, he glanced at me, his eyes widened and it made him look even more adorable if that was possible. While I was admiring him, I didn't hear Hyunsuk hyung calling me. I looked at him but quickly averted my gaze from his questioning eyes and looked back at Junkyu hyung. He followed my gaze and saw him too. His eyes were cold now. He glared at me and I could just sigh deeply. Hyunsuk hyung patted my back and asked,

"So that is Junkyu?"

I replied,

"Yeah that's him.."

He mumbled something but I still heard him. He said,

"So it was this Junkyu.."

I was confused but I figured I could just ask him later.

"Jihoon would be coming home any minute now."

He said and I just nodded. Hyunsuk hyung then sat down to put ointment on Haerim's wound. I couldn't help smiling cuz of her cuteness. She wasn't a child who cried easily. Applying ointment does hurt but she wasn't crying. What a strong girl, I thought. Wish I could've been like her when I was younger. I was just in my own world when I heard the door unlock. Jihoon hyung entered and shouted,

"Ayo I'm back people!"

While Hyunsuk hyung was judging him. He looked at Jihoon hyung silently for 5 seconds and said,

"Okay anyways-"

He giggled and embraced Hyunsuk hyung softly, kissing his lips. I smiled softly at them but it dropped just as quickly as it came. I just saw the love of my life look at me with so much hatred that it made me want to bury myself deep into the ground. Jihoon hyung came towards Haerim, picked her up and kissed her cheek while she did the same. He asked her about her day and she explained everything. She said she lost Hyunsuk hyung, saw a crying boy, and hurt herself. Jihoon hyung asked her about her wound and after getting confirmation that she was fine, he looked at me and his eyes widened. Hyunsuk hyung asked him,

"Anything wrong, Jihoon? If you're curious who this is, this is Mashiho, you remember him from high school right? He's my best friend and now technically your brother-in-law."

He tilted his head, thinking. Then he said,

"I recognize him but I don't really remember seeing him in high school lol. Maybe I saw him sometime in a class lol idk- he looks younger than me so I'm not sure."

Jihoon hyung's statement made Hyunsuk hyung roll his eyes. I didn't realize that Jihoon hyung was staring at me. Hyunsuk hyung realized it and said,

"Yo Jihoon you good?" Jihoon hyung didn't respond to him. After a few more silent seconds, he asked,

"Do you know anyone named Kim Junkyu, Mashiho?"

I didn't want to say anything so I glanced at Hyunsuk hyung to help me out and he understood immediately. He said,

"He's Shiho's ex-boyfriend. We saw him when we were entering actually."

He just nodded his head slightly. I gathered up some courage and asked,

"Why do you ask?"

He replied,

"Oh I'm his best friend and I remember him talking about you all the time, even showed your pictures. I saw them on his social media too."

I just had to ask him this question.

"Well he must be doing great ey?"

Confused, Jihoon hyung asked,


I explained,

"Well considering we just saw him heading somewhere with a smile on his face, he must be doing great. Because, Jihoon hyung, I think both you and I know of his tendency to slouch around not going anywhere in the morning when he's not doing good. So..that must mean he's at least alright, right?"

Jihoon hyung just avoided my gaze not wanting to give any details but he had to so he said, "Oh, well he's doing great, alright. I mean, who wouldn't be doing great when it's such an important moment of their life. You guys saw him heading out right? Well..he's actually on his way to get married.."

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