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        Word count of the whole book: 3704
It was a normal day, the coven witches were just sitting on the couches in the living room after learning some new spells with Myrtle. Unexpectedly Cordelia showed up in the room with a girl that no one knew before.
- Girls, I'd like you to meet our new coven sister, Rachel.
The girl seemed shy, she just waved her hand and didn't say anything. No one spoke for a moment so Zoe standed up and said:
- Hi Rachel, nice to meet you.
Madison rolled her eyes because she was jealous already that Zoe talked to anyone besides her. They weren't even girlfriends and Madison didn't even know if Zoe is at least bi.
- Hi, I'm Queenie nice to meet you, that's Misty, Mallory, Coco - the girls waved their hands - and that's... - Queenie looked at Madison. That's Madison.
- Montgomery, movie star. You probably know me from TV, I was a star of multiple movies and TV shows so Yeah.
- Well sorry but I don't think i recognize you.
- Excuse me? Who are you, huh? You're nobody.
Cordelia looked angry at Madison.
- Rachel, let's show you around the academy and your room, shall we? - Cordelia asked.
Zoe got really angry at Madison's behaviour.
- What were you thinking? She is new here and she needs friends, she probably feels uncomfortable and you were really mean to her.
- You're just being dramatic Zoe. It's not that deep.
- Madison get over yourself, you're not the only one here. At least TRY being nice to her. You just met her and you're already mean.
- I'm not mean, I'm brutally honest.
Zoe didn't answer and she went looking for Cordelia and Rachel. She saw them talking about the paintings on the walls with supremes. Cordelia was talking something about Fiona but Zoe didn't hear much. She came out from behind the corner and said Hi.
Delia decided to leave Zoe and Rachel alone so they can know each other better.
- Why don't you show Rachel her room Zoe? - Cordelia said.
- Ofc, after me.
They were walking through a lot of halls, corners and stairs till they found the right door. They walked in. The room was simple, but cute.
- Do you wanna unpack your baggage now? I can help you.
- That'd be great, thanks.
Madison was walking through some halls because she already had a fight with Queenie, and saw open door. She walked in and saw Zoe and Rachel laughing together.
- Bitch! What are you doing with Zoe?
Rachel and Zoe turned around and saw Madison standing in door.  Rachel looked at Zoe uncomfortable wondering what should she say.
- First of all Madison, what are you doing here and second of all did you just call Rachel a "bitch"? - Zoe said.
- I asked her not you. What are you doing with Zoe.
- I just.... we were just unpacking my baggage and Zoe said a joke so we laughed.
- I don't believe you. Come on Zoe let's go.
- I'm not going anywhere especially with you. I'm here to help Rachel so you better leave.
Madison rolled her eyes.
- You're both worth each other. - Madison said while leaving the room. Zoe apologized for Madison right after, but Rachel said it's not her fault.

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