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ten loved wearing other boys' clothes. although it was johnny's clothes and it wasnt a love interest, it made him happy. he was sat at lunch on his own as jaehyun and johnny were both at basketball practice.

he was eating his food with johnny's hood over his head as he leaned against the wall, watching everyone else in the cafeteria. johnny's clothes were warm and they made him feel happy.

he didnt want to fall for johnny yet, as he didnt want to get his heart broken, but johnny gave him different feelings. he didnt give him the feeling that all his other hookups gave him.

johnny gave him the feeling of love and security, even though they have only recently gotten closer. he felt safe around johnny and happy.

however he knew it was dangerous because as far as he knew, johnny was straight and liked girls. he wasnt a girl and that was the problem.


"how are my clothes?" johnny asked smiling, as ten sat down next to him. they were in english class and their teacher was shocked at how lively johnny was, as he was usually miserable in that class.

"very comfortable," the younger nodded, yawning, "i just wanna go home." he complained, putting his head on the table. johnny frowned, putting his hand in ten's hair and dragging his finger's through his hair.

this made ten's whole body shudder, making him and johnny laugh, "dont do that~"

johnny chuckled, playing with his hair and not listening to him, "you know, you could sleep.."

ten shook his head, sitting up again, making johnny's hand disconnect from his head, "we're going home in like... an hour. theres no point"

johnny shrugged, "fair enough," he smiled, putting his hand back in his hair, "let me play with your hair, dont be a pussy."

ten rolled his eyes, placing his head back onto the table. he loved getting his hair played with, but he'd never admit it to johnny. atleast not yet.

he didnt know if the class was just boring and he was tired, or the fact that johnny was stroking his hair that was making him even more sleepy, but he wasn't complaining.

"i'd ask if you wanted to come round again, but tern would be lonely, wouldn't she?" johnny asked quietlty, as the teacher spoke nonsense.

ten nodded, but then sat up once again, "you could come to ours though?" ten smiled, "and you could get your clothes back."

"you can keep the hoodie, it suits you," johnny complimented him, "but i want the sweatpants back."

"dude.. thats gay." ten teased, realising how close their chairs were to eachother, making his eyes widen.

"you're gay." johnny laughed softly, punching him jokingly.

"yeah, i know."

a/n we're like fireworks and symphonies exploding in the skyyyyyyyyy

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