7. daily life.

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The continuous flow of hot water steamed up the room as the couple sat in the bath tub which was completely overflowing with bubbles.
"..Don't you think you went a little overboard with the bubble mixture..?" Soraru asked, facing the wall of foam that Mafu was submerged in.
"I don't know what you're talking about, this was a great idea and I have no regrets." The albino responded through the bubbles, tossing some foam at Soraru.
He was immediately met with a face full of water, making some of his precious bubbles disintegrate, with Mafu screaming.
"How dare you! I worked so hard!" He cried, pretending to be hurt.
Soraru laughed, pulling a now pouting albino to his chest, and washing off the foam stuck on his body.
"I'll wash your hair as an apology." He smiled, stroking his boyfriend's soft hair as he got comfortable in his new position, leaning his back against his chest.


"Hey Mafu.. Why do we own these..?" Soraru stared confusedly, holding up a kids colouring book which was half completed (none of the colouring was done in the lines) and a box of bright orange hair dye from a cardboard box.

"I really didn't even realise we owned so much junk until now.." He responded, tossing out an entire box of expired candies from five years ago.

"I mean, I remember we got really drunk and just started buying stupid things on Amazon once, but surely we didn't waste this much money right?" Tossing a pack of tiny cowboy hats onto the garbage pile.

The two of them had a day off, and were just going to play video games all day until they realised that they hadn't seen their extra controller in a while. This lead into a downwards spiral of finding random items, realising they had lost random items, and realising how messy their apartment really was. And so, here they were, pulling out random boxes and laughing hysterically or looking horrified at the weird things they had accumulated over the years.

Soraru was moving boxes around, until something caught his eye. A small black box, which was surprisingly in good condition compared to the dusty and worn down tubs around it. Crouching down, he picked it up.
"Mafu? Do you know what this is?" He asked, holding it up for him to see.
"Huh? What are you talking abo-" he said, turning around to see.
"Ah! No, don't touch that, it's mine!" He cried, rushing over to take the box out of his hands.
His face was now bright red, as he held the box to his chest.
"Ah.. Sorry, is it something private? I didn't open it, don't worry.." Soraru said, a little concerned about his reaction to what seemed like a harmless little box.

"It's.. Well... Its not anything super serious.. It's just embarrassing because I never expected anyone to find it.. But I'm ok with you looking at it if you want to though.." He mumbled still blushing, handing the box back to Soraru.

"If you're sure..." Soraru confirmed again, receiving a nod from Mafu.
Taking the lid off, Soraru's eyes widened when he saw what the box actually contained.

It was packed with plane and bus tickets, small keychains, photos and mementos. They were all from dates and trips they had taken together and gifts that Soraru vaguely remembered giving to Mafu. He had kept every single one.
Rifling through the items, he smiled as felt memories rushing back to him.
Looking up, he saw his boyfriend, covering his face with his hands, still embarrassed.
"Honey, you kept all of these?" He asked, gently placing the box down to move his hands away.
Mafu's face was still red, refusing to make eye contact. "Yes.. I know it looks super creepy but I wanted to remember all the things I did with you, but you can throw it out if you hate it, that's ok too, I know it's weird.." He said quickly, trying to hide his shame.

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