8. forest walks.

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The sun streamed down onto the forest floor, as the trees rustled in the breeze. The sound of leaves crunching was heard as a couple walked through the beaten path of the woods.

"Do you know where we are...?" The older one asked, frowning and looking around at his surroundings.

"Don't worry about it! This path only goes one way so we can find our way even if we do get a bit lost! Just relax and enjoy the nature since you're outside for once!" The albino responded happily.

"Alright, as long as we get back in time it'll be fine." Soraru hummed, not wanting to argue when his boyfriend looked so cute and excited which was at least an improvement from before.

"Mhm!" He responded.

The couple had just finished an early morning shoot, which was unfortunately quite far away from their city apartment. This meant waking up even earlier to be driven towards the shooting location, resulting in a grumpy, tired Soraru and a sugar fuelled Mafu cooped up for a few hours, sustaining themselves with coffee. To say the least, the crew did not have an easy time working with them as Soraru was nodding off every few seconds and Mafu was constantly fidgeting or trying to nudge his partner awake.

After a few hours of hyperactivity and complaining, they packed up the filming equipment, with the staff deciding to let the couple go off on their own so that the crew could work  on finalising any shots in peace. They decided to take a walk in the forest so that Mafu could get out all of his excess energy and to wake Soraru up at least a little bit, with the only rule being to return back before 6pm to be driven back home.

Birds sang quietly, the noise travelling through the trees as the duo basked in the sunlight, getting a breath of fresh air for the first time in a while.

"Wouldn't it be fun if we just moved away from the city one day and just lived here?" Asked Mafu, bounding along the path, hand reaching up to brush the leaves of a flowering tree.

"It is really nice out here, but we wouldn't last a day here alone." Soraru laughed, grabbing Mafu's free hand to avoid having to run to catch up to him.

"Yeah, but it would be cool if we could like gather food and stuff out here and avoid talking to other people right? I could hang out with just Soraru-san forever. I wouldn't have to worry about paying bills and I could spend all day writing songs and picking flowers.." He said dreamily, stopping to stretch up, trying to reach a branch covered in small purple flowers.

Soraru laughed as he watched his boyfriend struggle and jump to reach the branch. Grabbing his waist, the older male lifted the albino up, propping him up on his shoulder. Mafu squeaked in surprise as he was pulled up, but settled into his new position and began to pick the flowers
from the tree.

"Maybe we'll be able to move out somewhere nice and peaceful to write music and sing one day, hm?" Soraru said as he readjusted himself to make sure Mafu didn't topple off.

Mafu hummed in agreement, two flowers now in his palm.

Turning to Soraru, he brushed his hair away from his face before tucking the small flower behind his ear, leaving a quick kiss on the nose. He tucked his own flower in and gave the older male a bright smile.

"You look cute." Mafu grinned.
"You too." Soraru returned his smile and began walking once again.

"Are you gonna get off me or are you just going to sit there and look pretty, your highness?" Asked Soraru, slightly concerned that his boyfriend would do something stupid resulting in them both tripping and falling.

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