14. dawn and fireflies.

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Tossing and turning, Mafu could not seem to get comfortable with his new sleeping arrangement no matter how hard he tried. Despite the efforts of the thick sleeping bag and the tent beneath him, it did nothing to effectively pad the rough ground below.

He was restless. Not only was his environment uncomfortable, to add onto that, he wasn't even allowed to be in the same tent as his boyfriend. It was slowly driving him insane, and sleeping was probably not an option at this rate.

After the Rain was filming another bonus DVD to sell with their album, and when prompted on ideas for what to do, the two had decided on a camping trip. They thought it would be nice a nice and simple filming trip, and besides, they needed some kind of break from actual work so messing around in a forest for a week didn't seem too bad. Well, this was their mindset before they arrived for Day One.

What they didn't realize, was that there was more filming for individual activities than expected, meaning that the couple had to be separated for time convenience, much to their disdain. And now, thanks to that, Mafu couldn't sleep. He was bored and a little bit tired, but more importantly, he was lonely and wanted his Soraru back.

Adjusting his sleeping position again, he sighed in frustration at his failed attempts to get even slightly more comfortable, the feeling of small stones and rocks still poking at him insistently no matter how much he adjusted himself.

He appreciated the work their crew was doing, but they definitely underestimated his dependence on Soraru it seemed.

He was seriously considering just sneaking into his boyfriend's tent and staying there for the night. At least he would get a little bit of sleep with him there.

"It's just one night, it wouldn't matter too much, right? Plus, I won't be able to focus on filming if I didn't sleep properly." Mafu tried to convince himself. He didn't need to convince himself that much, as a few seconds later, he sat up with resolve, crawling towards the small door of his tent and stepping out into the warm summer air, trying to locate Soraru's whereabouts.

He was a little lost to begin with, surveying the small village of tents in confusion, but as soon as he saw a small but bright light glowing from the inside of a tent a few metres from him, he knew exactly where to go.

It was currently 2 am, who else would be on their phone at this time?

Laughing at his boyfriend's predictable habits, he crept up to the tent.

Praying that Soraru wouldn't notice, he tried to quietly unzip the flap leading to the inside of his tent. Hearing and seeing no response from him, Mafu continued until there was a space big enough for him to fit through.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Mafu stepped back slightly, giving himself a run-up, before diving full speed towards the entrance, trying to land in Soraru's general direction.

Mafu's sense of aim when throwing himself onto Soraru was surprisingly quite accurate, as he successfully landed onto something soft, laughing hysterically as he heard Soraru let out a surprised yelp, jumping back and consequentially dropping his phone onto his face.

While he was trying to calm down his giggling, he felt movement underneath him from whatever he landed on. Ah, it was Soraru's arm. That realisation came to Mafu far too late, as his cheeks were almost immediately pulled and pinched at.

Shuffling up to seat himself onto Soraru's lap and face him as properly as he can, barely being able to see due to the light from his phone being lost. However, the albino still could not stop the silly grin on his face at his antics, though Soraru's expression did not match Mafu's mood.

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