20. backstage.

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"You're all good to go. We're starting up in two hours, so just make sure to be back here on time!" The stage manager gave the albino a quick nod of acknowledgement before dismissing him.

"Thank you! I'll make sure Soraru-san is on time too, don't worry!" Mafu replied cheerfully, giving a wave to the tired-looking staff member as he bounded down to the dressing rooms in the search for his boyfriend.

Stopping at their shared room, he knocked on the door twice, seeking some kind of response to determine Soraru's presence. He was met with a hushed silence before a "Come in." was heard from the other side, muffled by the thick door.

Pushing open the heavy door, Mafu grinned, glad that he wasn't too late to interrupt his favourite part of pre-concert preparations. The older male male was sat in front of a well-dressed woman who was applying a white coloured cream onto his face. They appeared to be mid-conversation but had stopped talking when the albino had stepped in, the older male smiling fondly and beckoning him over.

"Mafumafu-san! I was just getting started on Soraru-san's makeup just in case your sound-check went over time. Did you want to step in now?" The make-up artist gave him a wave, standing up and offering her seat beside the dark-haired man.

"Ah, thank you! I'll do my own make-up as well, so thank you for your help so far!" Mafu bowed his head slightly towards the woman before walking her to the door with a smile.

"No problem. Good luck tonight, you two!" She waved to the couple before closing the door behind her with a slight thump. Mafu pushed the door again for good measure, ensuring that it was completely shut before he dashed back towards his boyfriend, sliding onto the space previously occupied by the staff member.

"You've really got the entire staff and crew wrapped around your finger, huh?" Soraru laughed as he pulled Mafu's chair closer towards him, dropping a small kiss on his forehead.

"Hey! She's been with us for years, so we're friends! It's fine! Plus, I like doing your makeup okay? You don't wear it that much so I need to make the most of it when you do." Mafu defended himself, pouting at the older male.

"...And I can stare at your face for a really long time this way." He added quietly as an afterthought, not even noticing it slip out his mouth at first.

"Alright, whatever you say... Anyways, I went to go get us some food while you were out. We should eat before we put on any makeup. I don't want to accidentally ruin it again..." Soraru said, sitting up from his slouched position to grab the few plastic containers sat on the bench in front of him.

"You went walking around in a sloth onesie just to get food? Sorarun!"

"Oi, You did the same thing just now! You went all the way from the stage to the dressing room in your onesie, so you can't blame me. Now c'mere, let's eat." The older male shuffled closer to the edge of his seat in order to grab Mafu's waist, pulling him onto his lap, and kissing his nose.

"I grabbed my takoyaki and I grabbed your, uh... What did you force the staff to sell this as? Mafumafu's banan-"

"No wait, stop stop stop stop!!! Don't say it out loud, it's embarrassing!! I thought it would be funny for our fans to have to say it when ordering but it's embarrassing when you say it!" The albino covered Soraru's mouth before he could finish his sentence, slightly blushing at the recollection of what he had decided to name his food item.

"Well, you can have it since you created the monstrosity." Soraru laughed, pecking Mafu's hand before lifting it away from his mouth, pressing his palm open so that he could place the plastic container with the horrendously pink, icing coated banana into his hand.

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