chapter three

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Micheal POV:

I flop on my bed, I probably made him feel bad, did I have to mention the squip. Ugh


What's up

Um, this is gonna sound wack but.. Can I come over?


Jermey is spending the night with Christine, Jake hates me after I told him im bi and I need somewhere to go. It's ok if you can't, I'm really sorry.


You can come over I guess

I give him my address

Dude, I'm so sorry, I wouldn't ask this but my dad is drunk and he's getting violent and I'm outside in the rain and I just need somewhere to sleep cuz I have no money.

Rich Goranski, you have changed haven't you

I'm sorry I was such a dick, I don't mean to be it was the squip

I understand, same with jermey, are you on your way?

Yeah I am, also jermey stayed a dick, once he texted me about how u walked in on them I felt so bad for you, so I asked him for your number, I'm sorry

Haha, it's ok, see you in awhile

I hear a knock on the door, I open it and I see rich soaking wet standing outside, eyes red and shivering.

Oh god

my instincts kick in, and I hug him
He pats my back but then he hugs me back, I can tell he's been crying.

"I'm so sorry, I would have brought a change of clothes but-"
I cut him off
"It's ok, come inside, would you like a change of clothes?"
He nods his head.
I grab my creeps sweater, some sweatpants and some boxers and I hand them to rich. He runs to the bathroom and comes out a few minutes later. All my clothes seem so huge on him.

Do the boxers fit?
I say looking for a movie to watch on my tv. He nods and lays down on my bed

"Thanks again bro"

"No problem wanna watch a movie?"

"Hell yeah bro! He sits up
What do u have"

"Umm, Netflix?"

"Lemme see "
he puts his hands out in a "gimme" motion, I hand it over. He grabs the remote while I prep the bean bag that jermey used to sit in, that I moved to my room. I'm probably gonna sleep in it. I roll a joint

"Want some? "

he says more focused on the TV

I light it and hand Rich one.
He looks down

"Oh jeez, I didn't know what you said, I just agreed, I'm sorry"
He hands it back to me.
I finish mine and look at what he's picking.

He's looking at Disney movies

"Want some nostalgia? "

I respond

He puts on Princess and the frog and lays down. I stay in my bean bag.

"Are you gonna stay down there or are u gonna lay down in the beanbag. "
Rich says upside down hanging off the edge of my bed.

"I'll stay down here, unless you want me to lay with you"
I wink at him


He covers his face looking flustered and lays back down


We're halfway through the movie and he pauses it.

"Hey, do you wanna talk about you and Jeremy?"

I look at him
"Actually, yes."

I haven't been able to rant in so long, Jeremy was my ranting space and since I can't rant about Jeremy to Jeremy I haven't ranted.

*time skips brought to you by Rich's adorable lisp*

I'm done ranting, I've been crying for at least an hour.

Rich grabs my chin making me look at him dead in the eye

"Micha, look at me, you're amazing, don't let no dick like Jeremy get you down ok? You're such a good person and you don't deserve anything that you're getting from Jeremy. You're his number one priority" Our faces are a little closer than wanted, I can feel his breath, but, Its kinda nice.

I hug him and he hugs back.
This is the best hug I've ever had,
At this point were both in tears. I haven't felt this comfortable in so long. He unpauses the movie and instead of going back to the beanbag, I stay on the bed.

The movie ends, somehow rich is laying on me but I don't mind. I check the time, it's about 3am.

"Hey rich"

"y- yea" He says very sleepily

"You ready to go to bed"

He slowly gets up
"yeah bro. "

I turn off the TV and I set up the bed

"I'll be right back"

I go outside and smoke a few joints.
I come back inside to see rich laying down on the side of the bed, instead of the middle, I'm confused but I lay on the bean bag. He gets up.

"H-hey, you wanna um.. "

"Yea? "
I say confused

"Lay down on the bed?"

My face heats up a little.
"Uh, sure"
I change into my nightie and I lay down next to rich.

"Goodnight Rich"

"Goodnight Micha. "

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