chapter two

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I shut off my alarm and get dressed. I do my hair and put on my signature hoodie with my gay patch that Jeremy bought me after I came out. I get all my school supplies and I head out the door.
Brookes car is parked outside?
The window rolls down

I can see Jenna and Chole in backseat.
I automatically get excited. Me and the girls became friends after Jermey dated Brooke and then broke up with her, I was a ranting space after Jermey broke up with her and got with Christine for her at first, and now we're all bffs, I get in the passenger seat of her convertible. I already knew that we weren't going to school due to the lack of backpacks, besides mine in the trunk.

Jermey POV:

Im sitting in my 1st, Micheals empty seat almost taunting me. I text him for what feels like the 1000th time

Hey, are you ok?
Delivered 6:49AM

He doesn't answer just like the last time, and the time before that.

"NO TEXTING IN CLASS!" Mr. Reyes yells as he takes my phone, I stare at my paper I have no idea how to do it. The smell of hot pockets coming from Mr. Reyes desk and the lack of Micheal is all so confusing. I look around not knowing what to do. Brooke isn't here either? Jenna and Chole arn't in my class so I'm not sure if they're out doing something together, or it's just a coincidence that they both didn't coming to school.

Micheals POV:
"I LOOK LIKE I'M 7!!!"
I yell from the dressing room. They made me try on some yellow overalls bc all of the girls bought something yellow and I'm the last one who isn't matching.


"FINE! "

I walk out and all of their faces light up, oh god, I know they're gonna make me buy this.

*time skip brought to you by OXI CLEAN, gets the tough stains out!*

We're at the food court, I got some strawberry boba, Brooke got some pinkberry ice cream, Chole got some Chinese food, and Jenna is just texting on her phone.

"So you like any boys?" Brooke asks

All of the girls faces pop up from what they're doing and look at me.
I tell them the truth

"Not at the moment"

They all look disappointed and go back to what they were doing.

*time skip*

Jermey POV

Ok, it's been long enough I should call him. The ring tone dials

C c c come on!


"HI!" I say excited he answered

"What do you want" He says sounding annoyed

"I wanted to see if you're ok!"

"Im fine, did you hide all those hickeys well? "

I go silent

"Dude im sorry, it'll never happen again!"

"You said that last time! and the time before that, and the time before that,
and- ugh! I had apocalypse of the damned 2 wrapped and ready to give you! But I'm sure some hickeys and a make out scene was better than what I have to offer"

I hear a micheal sniffle in the background


I can't get any words out of my mouth

"What? Squip got you're tounge"

Wow that was shallow, I think to myself.



UGH, I flop on my bed, he hung up on me.

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