chapter four (long boi)

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm
Rich spooning me
I cover my face which is as red as the streak in Rich's hair, ahhh,

this is kinda nice...
what,no ah fuck.

I slowly get out of bed, making sure I don't wake up rich.
I put on my clothes, do my hair, brush my teeth ect.
I walk outside and rich is drinking some coffee.
I say patting his back softly just incase any burns were still on him
he says sounding half alive.
"You need more clothes?"
He nods his head as he sits down on the couch next to me.

I get him my old pacman shirt that doesn't fit me, some jeans, and some boxers incase he takes a shower.
I throw the clothes at him.

"W-what time is it"
he says sleepily.
I check my phone.
"Around 5:30am why?"
"Oh fuck"
he says concerned.
"What's happening?"
I ask.
"Dude, my morning routine isn't just hair and clothes dude, I'm gonna have to hurry."
I ponder why he takes so much time, until I realized he has some sensitive burn scars he still has to bandage.

30 minutes go by, school doesn't start til 6:30. He walks out.

I nearly spit of my coffee. He looks so adorable.
what am I thinking, this is RICH!
"C- c- come on, let's hurry."
Ew I sound like Jeremy
We get in my cruiser and drive to school.

Jeremy POV:
C c c come on!
Im sitting in 1st, waiting for the late bell to ring, so far no sign of Michael. He walks in.
I was expecting him to do our handshake and tell me how his morning went but he just looked at me with these eyes.. eyes that read "I don't want to talk right now"

*small time skip*

And that, my friends is the answer to 0 ÷ 0 now HOT POCKET BREAK!

Hey micha, I tap his shoulder.
He's starring at his phone, I can hear the reggae beat coming from his earbuds.i tap his shoulder a little harder this time. He glares at me with such a look.

The almost made me want to cry look. Like if you finally broke someone so badly all they can do is look at you. The guy, who you knew as the happy go lucky kid, finally had enough. After that, I didn't touch him.

Micheal POV:
Ugh, Jeremy is on my last nerve today. I almost want to just cry in the bathroom like last year, but I can't sink back to such a low, as a matter of fact, Jeremy has no idea that I even was sad at the party, so why should he care that I'm pissed about him and Cristine.

It's finally lunch.
Well, this isn't that good of a thing, I usually sit with Jeremy and Christine but I don't really want to today. I walk into the cafeteria. I see Jeremy waving for me to sit, with Christine giving me the "just do what he wants" look. I walk slowly to give me time to think if this is what I want to do, I pass a table and it's Rich, all alone. In a matter of a second I sit next to him. I don't care if Jeremy wanted me to sit, Rich is a better friend.

Rich POV:
Micheal sits next to me? I've sat alone ever since the start of junior year.
"Hi!" He says in a happy attitude.
"What's up?" He asked
"Nothing much?" I ask confused
"What you eating?" He asks
"A sandwich???"
"Hey sorry I'm acting weird I'm not used to people sitting with me."
I respond
He looks up from his phone.
"Oh, thats ok!"
He says in a happy go lucky attitude. He smiles at me. Out of nowhere Jermey and Christie sit at our table. I look at Michael
He rolls his eyes at his phone, and he takes a deep breath.
"Hey Jermey."
He says without even looking at him.
"Hey Michael! "
Jere says sounding excited
Jermey looks at me with these
oh it's you eyes
"Hey rich." He says bitterly
"Uhm.. Hi?" I say confused

Jermey POV:
I didn't mean to sound rude, it's just I wanted it to just be me and Michael, well and Christine of course.
"Bye babe, I'm trying to make the new director like me so I can get the lead role, so I'll see you later"
Christine says. She kisses me for a few seconds; maybe a minute, before leaving. I didn't even look at Michael but I could tell his eyes were in the back of his head.
"Hey Micha?" I say
He says with very little tone in his voice.
"Wanna hangout and play video games tomorrow?"
"Just me and you."
He pops up excited but then that look turns into a little pissed.
"You said that on your birthday, and then I caught you spit swapping with Christine!"
"Dude Christine is going to be doing auditions for the school play tomorrow it's just me and you. Even if I wanted, I couldn't invite her"
He looks excited but I can tell he's trying to hide it
"a-are you sure"
Rich looks at me with these don't fuck this up eyes.
"Hell yeah! "
He looks like his parents just bought him a puppy. He takes a deep breath.
"Alrighty, see you Saturday" He says

Michael POV:
I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S FINALLY JUST ME AND HIM. I want to jump up and down but I control myself. We haven't had a bro day since he got with Christine, and it's tomorrow! I can't believe it!!! Once Jermey was done with lunch I start to wonder if Rich is still kicked out of his house
"Hey richie?"
He looks at me because he's in the middle of chewing
"Do you need a place to stay tonight"
He looks at me with these I'm so sorry eyes.
He swallows and starts to speak
"I'm so sorry, my dad kicked me out for good, I texted him before you came. It's just until I scrap up enough money go get a dorm, or an apartment, or to pay half the rent in my brothers shitty dorm."
His eyes start to water
I grab his chin and make him look at me
"Rich, you can stay at my house as long as you need. Even til you are fucking 21, I don't care, what I do care about is that you have somewhere safe to stay"
He gives me this huge smile and gives me the biggest hug I've ever had. I hug him back with the same amount of energy.
"Uhm-" Rich says
"Yeah? " I respond
"Can we um, stop by my old house to grab my clothes and stuff, on the way home?"
"Of course!"
"Thank you Michael.. "
"No problem! "

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