chapter eight (cliffhanger sorta) (very short)

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Jermey POV:
I say to myself after I texted him for what felt like the 10000 time

"Dude I'm really really sorry it was the squip please"
Delivered 5:08PM

I FaceTime him for what feels like the 500th time

"Oi? "
I hear coming from the phone I can't see a face

"huh? sino ito?"

I still see no face
"HELLO?? "

Finally a face shows up but it's one of Michaels moms?

"Jermey? anong ginagawa mo?? "

Fuck I forgot they speak Filipino

"ibigay mo sa akin" Another woman says

"uhm" I say

"Jermey?" It's Michaels other mom
"Michaels grounded he doesn't have his phone until next Friday"

Shit "Thank you Vivianne"

"bakit siya tumatawag? " I hear a voice from the background
"What? " I say
"She's just asking why you were calling" Vivianne says "we gotta go, bye miho!"
They hang up

well... that's was awkward

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2020 ⏰

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