Real Love, Part Six

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Real Love, Part Six, Movie Night.

Everyone was in the yard by now done with dinner all just talking Bracken fitting in perfectly everyone one was getting along very well, that is everyone but Venessa and Bracken the two were not getting along it wasn't too bad but it wasn't good everything was still okay though nothing was going wrong it was such a nice afternoon.

The sun was setting and everyone was going inside to watch a movie it was probably going to end up being some action movie with superhero which Kendra didn't mind it would be nice to not have anything in the movie Seth could use to tease her with. Kendra had a feeling Warren would tease her too just because he was basically a big brother so why wouldn't he.

Kendra was in the kitchen getting snacks for the movie when Seth and Warren came in Kendra knew something was up and she probably wouldn't like it.

"So Kens what’s going on with you and Bracken?" Warren asked.

"Nothing, why?" Kendra said turning around to get a bowl out of the cabinet so they couldn't see her blush.

"Are you sure about that?" Seth asked.

"You blush every time you look at him," Warren added.

"Not every time!" Kendra said turning around realizing her mistake too late she had just given them exactly what they wanted.

"Oh, so you do blush when you look at him?" Seth asked.

"No I- just no I mean I'm j- UGH why do you two need to know?!?"

"We don’t but you just told us so," Warren said smugly.

"Unless you want to gush about Bracken?" Seth asked laughing

"Why don't you go help pick out the movie Seth," Kendra said glaring at him.

He just laughed as Warren agreed with Kendra telling Seth to leave while he helped Kendra with the snacks.

"But seriously Kendra if there is something between you and him I just want to tell you he seems like a good guy better then the last one, I doubt Bracken would hurt you as Gavin did," Warren said looking Kendra directly in the eyes and she knew what he said was true. 

"I know he's one of my best friends," Kendra said. Warren nodded and grabbed the popcorn bowl then left the kitchen.

Kendra stood in the kitchen for a while thinking about everything she stood there until someone came in the kitchen probably to tell her the movie was set up she was about to say she was coming when she noticed it was Bracken.

"Oh hey, is the movie setup?"

"Yeah, I just came out to help you with taking the snacks out."

"Okay here take these," Kendra said handing Bracken the bowls. "Are you having a good time so far?"

"Yeah, it's nice to get out of the city," Bracken replied.

Kendra handed him one more bowl then put both her hands on his shoulders and got up one her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek.

"Come on let's go watch the movie," Kendra said going into the living room where everyone was waiting Kendra sat down next to Bracken.  

Grandma Sorenson turned off the lights and started the movie as Bracken put his arm around Kendra’s shoulders.

~To Be Continued~

Real Love, A Brackendra human AUWhere stories live. Discover now