Real Love, Part Ten

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Real Love, Part Ten, I Love You,

Kendra sat cross-legged on the couch facing Bracken who was sitting the same way. It was summer now and the afternoon heat had driven them back to Kendra’s apartment. The sun had set by now and with no movies to watch after dinner the night had turned into a game night until Raxtus had jumped up on the couch and sat on the game board. Now they were eating ice cream.  “I would have won that last game,” Bracken said while trying to scoop a chocolate chunk out of his ice cream “No way I had more ships left then you there was no chance you would find mine before I sunk yours,” she said. Back and forth they went, playful bickering about this and that until something a bit unexpected happen. Somehow in all the talking Kendra said “I love you.”  they both paused for a second realizing what she had said. Kendra was bout to take it back when she thought for a moment why should she take it back? After all, she meant it, it was up to Bracken what to say next. Another moment of silence passed before he said it, the four words that made Kendra be able to breathe again. “I love you too”

The End.

A/N I knoooow this was super short but I think it's a really nice end to this AU I hope you liked it and im alway open to CONSTRUCTIVE criticism

Real Love, A Brackendra human AUWhere stories live. Discover now