Chapter Three.

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Caleb hadn't gotten any sleep. When Eddie, aka Hot Guy, left with his group, he was blown out. He had went for his father right away. He had asked him for an Eddie. An Eddiston. His father didn't want to give him information because of what he had said earlier.

He had just said that to piss his father off. Like everything he said in his presence.

He had turn to music, but nothing came off. He was restless.

Truth was, he hadn't been intrested in anyone for a long time. And now this guy appeared from nowhere and took his sleep off.

Insomnia wasn't something new to him. Not when he had an anxiety disorder. But this time it was different. He had never considered himself a romantic; and what he was feeling wasn't romantic, it was pure sexual attraction. He didn't want to have anything serious ever again, he was a mess. But this guy had him daydreaming all night. It was stupid. It was ridiculous.
He had tried to look him up, but all he knew about him were four things:

He was hot.

His name was Eddison.

Everyone called him Eddie.

He was, probably, rich.

He sighed desesperatly and looked at the time. 3:45 in the morning. With no musical inspiration. And without wanting to read anything. Torture.

"Agh!" He screamed.

He didn't have anything to do.
Being alone was tiring sometimes.

Being alone was exhausting sometimes.

He didn't have any friends to call. He didn't have any significant other to text. He didn't have a normal family to talk to. He didn't have a sister to keep him company. He didn't have a pet to entretain himself. Maybe he should get one.

Being alone was the worst mistake he had taken.
But he wasn't sure something was worth it to give up all his process. To let down the walls he had built so perfectly. The perfect personality he had. The streak of four months without having a panic attack. Letting someone in might be so difficult that everything he had built so perfectly in the past years.

But was it worth it to keep living like this?

He realized that dark thoughts could come by that and immediatly changed his thoughts to Eddie again.

And he fell asleep.

After waking up at noon, he had a light lunch (well, all his meals were light) and went out for a walk. He walked around his neighborhood, a nice one. He had made sure that he was sorrounded by trees, grass and nice people. He had to get a nice fresh start when he moved here. And there was a park in front of the building he lived in, something he was happy he had.
When he reached the park, he took out the little bag with crumbs and went directly towards the lake.

The ducks recognized him immediatly, like always. He smiled and started feeding them.

"Hello," He jumped when a voice behind him spoke and almost tripped. He held his balance and turned around to glare at whoever had scared him and he almost froze.

Fucking Hot Guy.

He glared at him deadly before turning around and continue to feed the ducks.

"Feeding the ducks?"

"No. I'm poisoning them." He said blankly after turning around. "What do you think I'm doing?"

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