Chapter Twenty Seven.

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Warning: This chapter has what I think is the kinkier scene I've written in this book, so if you don't like it, don't read it (the scene, the chapter is very important to the story) Still, is not that kinky though.

! If you feel like you need to know what do I mean with kinky go until the end of the chapter !


Caleb felt awful with himself after what he'd done to Eddie. Eddie wasn't upset anymore, but Caleb hated himself for it.

Eddie was an incredible person. He was too good for his own good, too good for this world. He was kind, and nice, and made sure to make everyone smile when they needed to smile. He was selfless, because he cared a lot more about how Caleb was right now instead of worrying about himself. He took care of people. He cared.

He cared in ways Caleb didn't care. In ways no one else cared.

Caleb cared about other people for his own good and benefit, to feel better with himself. He was selfish like that. He couldn't save someone once, and he felt guilty about it, so he saved other people to feel better about that. He wasn't the good person Eddie believed him to be.

Eddie, instead... Eddie cared. He cared about everyone but himself, and not in a self-destructive way. In a kind way. In a way of wanting to make everyone smile all the time. In a way of a good person.

Caleb felt like he was wasting Eddie's honor being the person he was.

He knew Eddie. He knew him more than anyone else now. He was all he had.

Eddie was kind. Eddie believed his job in life was to make everyone else happy, no matter the price. Eddie didn't love in a fierce, fire-burning way. No. Eddie's love was simple. Eddie's love was just light, lighting up a black dark night. Eddie was a simple person. He was just nice. And Caleb loved him so much for that.

Now they were laying in bed together, their tears dry, hugging each other. Caleb's head was resting in Eddie's chest, and Eddie's arms rested on Caleb's waist.

Caleb was thinking what could he do to make it better. Everytime he had been upset, Eddie had done something to distract him from it, to make him feel less bad. But he had no idea how to comfort someone.

He was always the one being comforted, even when Rose was there. She was the strong one, the comforter. Caleb used to cry a lot when they were little. He stopped crying so much when they were teens, but he'd always been sensitive. Rose hadn't. Nothing got trough her.

Caleb remembered the day he came out as bisexual at school, and how Rose had punched a guy that had tried to make fun of him. No one tried to say anything else to him after that, and Rose was proud to be suspended from school that week.

Caleb wasn't like that anymore. Until Eddie, of course. But before Eddie, it was like tears had vanished from his body. He was numb. The only thing that made him cry was Rose, so he didn't think much about her the first year after rehab.

He sighed. What in the hell could he do? What would Rose do?

Oh. Caleb smiled. He knew what she'd do.

She would probably prepare some game to play together, or she would write him a story.

Caleb couldn't do that, because he sucked at games and because he wasn't a storyteller.

But he was a musician. And Eddie loved his music.

He had only played for him once, and Eddie had been mesmerized.

But it had been a while, and Caleb now had new songs. Happier songs. Songs about him.

He blushed thinking of singing in front of him, but told himself to fuck off, Eddie deserved this. So he looked at him.

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