Part 3

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I walk to the lab knowing at least one of them if not all would be there. I was right all including Steve and Nick, they were arguing about something as a burst into the room, "TONY! I need your help maybe Thor or Banner if you can't figure it out."
"What's up?" he asks in a very Tony Starkish way.
"Stand back," I think of how angry Loki made me, my hands spark again. Steve steps back and tenses up, Bruce watches in awe, Thor is completely shell shocked, jaw dropped along with arms, Tony is alarmed, and Nick like he's about to explode. I let out the fire, I hear Nat telling me she's done with Loki I tell her to get Agent Jones to watch Loki till I get back and tell her to come straight to the lab.
"Wow." That was the famous Tony Stark's response, he usually has too much to say now he's speechless.
"What. Just. Happened?" Steve finally chokes out. "I miss the times when the craziest thing science ever invented was me," he mumble almost inaudibly.
"Idon'tevenknow.LokimadememadsoIstormedovertohim,hewaslookingdownandhandsatfirstIthoughthewastryingtomakemeuncomfortable,butwhenIlookeddownmyhandswereonfire!" I blurt out all too fast.
"Agent (l/n) you are off babysitting till you get that under control. I'll just sign Agent Jones to the job." He then walks out knowing I wouldn't be able to keep the siblings thing a secret if he stayed.
"Well... Pointbreak? Any ideas cause I'm fresh out." Tony says eating some blueberries.
"Ummm. Not the most helpful ones Anthony, I need food first." He then quickly scurries out of the room, the Asguardians know something.

A/N: Sorry these are all pretty short, I hope you like them✌🏻

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