Part III

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Obito chews his lower lip as he paces back and forth in the living room, arms crossed and fidgeting all over. Rin and Konan watch him from the couch, concerned looks on their faces.

He waited an agonizing 12 minutes in his room for Kakashi to respond. Anything would've been nice- an emoji, a simple happy face... But no. There was no reply at all.

And now it's been 37 minutes since he sent that message. And still no response from Kakashi.

"Why isn't he responding?!" He yells in frustration. "He was always fast to reply to my texts when we were together."

"Well, maybe that's because you two were together back then," Konan points out.

Obito stops in his tracks. His whole posture seems to wilt, drooping his shoulders as a saddened look grows on his face. Rin turns in her seat and shoots her a dirty look. Konan just stares blankly at her and mouths the word 'what?'

"Maybe he's away from his phone and he hasn't seen the message," Rin suggests, her voice soft and reassuring.

"Or...," Obito says and he turns abruptly to face them, a look of panic across his face. "What if, he saw my message and then decided to ignore it?"

"Obito, don't say that!," Rin snaps. She rushes over to hold him in her arms, patting his back with soothing circles.

He buries his face in her shoulder and murmurs, "What if this was a mistake? What if I freaked him out and he starts avoiding me?" He shakes in her arms, his shoulders trembling as he seems to be holding back tears.

He whispers again, softly in anguish. "I guess that's fine. I don't think... I can face him ever again anyway." His breaths grow unsteady as he clings onto her, slowly letting out his tears.

"Oh, Obito...," Rin says. She looks over at Konan and furrows her brows in worry. Konan shares the same look.

Then a sudden knock hits the door.

The three friends perk up their heads in unison, looking at each other confused.

"What was that?" Obito asks.

"I don't know," Rin says. "Were you expecting more company?"

"No-" Obito replies. Then he's interrupted by another knock, louder this time.

"Obito!" yells the voice from outside the door.

Obito's eyes shoot open into saucers and his mouth falls right open.

Rin turns to look at Konan, furrowing her brows. "Hey, that sounds a lot like..." Then her eyes grow wide and she whips her head towards the door.

Another knock hits the door, louder and more insistent. "Obito! Hey, are you in there? Open up! It's me, Kakashi!"

"Holy fuck," Konan says under her breath and she stares wide eyed at Rin, then at Obito.

"I'm not here!," Obito whisper-shrieks towards Rin.

"What?!," she shrieks back and she watches him scramble towards the kitchen to hide behind the counter.

"I'll get it," Konan says with an exasperated sigh. She gets up from the couch, then walks over to the door and casually opens it. She sees Kakashi standing there, slightly alarmed. "Hey, Kakashi. How's it going?"

She studies him more closely. He looks out of breath, sweating, and his clothes are a bit disheveled- a big contrast to how she remembers him from the past. As one of the team managers in the company, Kakashi always kept his image pristine and well groomed. But here, it looks like he quickly threw on some clothes and ran over at top speed.

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