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Nicole Pov

I sat on my bed with Nate who's been ok lately but kind of an ass as well, Cameron and Kelly aren't dating but they hang out more now, Luke found his mate Veronica so he's not a loner anymore, she joined the pack not long ago and he finally grew the balls to talk to her and Bang! their mates which makes him extremely happy and her as well.

Nate was texting someone an wouldn't tell me who "I have to go" He says shoving his phone into his pocket "where?" I ask frowning "um just to a friends" He says shrugging as he stands up "oh ok" I said looking down, he left not caring that I was annoyed and upset about him always ditching me for this so called friend.

I put my stereo on playing 'shake it' by Metrostation, I turn the volume up and went into my bathroom, I left the door open as I have a quick shower so I could still hear the music an maybe sing in the shower hahaha. I change into denim shorts & a long sleeved shirt, I walk out an saw my phone flash, I grab it to see a message from Nate.

Nate<3: its over!

There was also I picture of him & a blonde girl half naked in a bed, I throw my phone across the room letting it smash into pieces, I know he was a dick but I love him, tears streamed down my cheeks as I collapse on my knees, the song turned to 'You Ruin Me' by The Veronica's, I cry harder as I fall back on my ass pulling my knees up into my chest while rocking back an forth.

"Nicole" I hear whispers, I sniffle as my music turns off by itself, I stand up to see two very large guys that stunk like Rogue "who are you?" I growl angrily wiping my face "Nicole" kept circling through my thoughts which was starting to piss me off, they both charge at me 'HELP' I scream through mind link as one of the men grabs me by the throat, I hear banging on my door.

I scream in pain as the man shoved a needle into my neck and I was dropped....

Kelly Pov

I run to the pack hospital room, Doctor Tiffany was there with Luke "what happened?" I demand entering the room to see my best friend laying on the bed hooked up to machines and looking sickeningly pale "rouges, they injected her with poison, but she'll be alright, the condition she was in when it happened caused alot of stress which won't help her recover any quicker" Tiffany says sadly.

"What condition?" I ask curiously "Nate dumped her" Luke says angrily, I gasp just as Cameron runs in "she's going to be fine" I said before he asked "no, she's not, she may heal but her heart is now shattered, broken apart, useless without love, she will need time to mend it" Tiffany says softly "what?" Cameron asks confused.

"Nate dumped her then put as a status on Facebook that she was the biggest mistake of his life and he's been cheating on her with some blonde bimbo" Luke spits angrily, Cameron growls before storming out of the room, the door slams just as we hear a gasp an face Nicole "what happened" She groans....

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