~ two drunks ~

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- modern story -

The bed let out a protestant creak when Will laid down and cracked open his book about the trenches of the First World War, the room was calm and quiet...peaceful after his hectic day of work

An abundance of stress combined with little to no sleep through the past week had put him in a terrible mood, he was debating on napping but instead insisted on reading the book he'd been attempting to finish since the previous April

Tom wasn't home yet, thankfully. He always managed to be louder than a marching band and more careless than a bull in a china shop...and today Will wasn't ready to deal with his lover's usual exuberance

Will slowly closed the book and let out a yawn, he had one more chapter to go...however his eyesight was growing more and more blurred and his eyelids seemed to become heavier with each passing second

He finally succumbed to his exhaustion and gave in to a deep dreamless nap


"Sco I'm home!" Tom's voice was accompanied by a loud thunk as he dropped his backpack by the door

Will groaned slightly and sat up, feeling disorientated and groggy. He looked over at the clock and found he'd only managed to get a half hour nap in, not great but better than nothing he supposed

"Sco....?" Tom repeated, curiously and rather hesitantly, Will recalled the days when he used to scare Tom...he smiled softly to himself remembering the adorable little yelp the boy produced when he'd jump out from behind him

He hadn't scared Tom for a while, yet the boy still took extra caution with everything, still clearly paranoid of being scared

"I'm here, Tom" Will noticed his own voice sounded more tired than he'd expected,  but soft nevertheless. He knew Tom wouldn't notice the exhaustion lingering on each word, he never noticed things like that

Tom walked into the bedroom and smiled wide seeing Will peacefully sitting on the bed

Tom looked boyishly adorable, his mop of curls a curly mess on his head indicating that he'd probably not paid attention much in class but rather that he'd decided to fiddle with his hair

"'ello William" Tom said with goofy grin as he flopped onto the bed next to Will

Will smiled halfheartedly, he'd come to the conclusion he wouldn't be able to nap with Tom and his persistent socializing 

"How was school my love" Will asked softly as he crossed his legs and cracked open his book once again

"Rubbish...I'm glad to be home" he said dramatically, his answer didn't surprise Will at all...Tom was not a fan of his university he wasn't patient enough to be cooped up in a classroom for hours

Will hummed and began to read his book once again

"What're you readin Sco?" Tom asked as he reached for the book in Will's hands

Will smacked Tom's pudgy little hand away gently, "it's about the war, something you have absolutely no interest in, now if you'd be quiet please...."

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