~ regret ~

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* recreation Tom's death scene from the film, with a few additions *

"They got him..." Came Blake's young voice, it was a blend of shock and satisfaction, they'd seen the same planes earlier and were both massively relieved that their pilots had managed to take down the German fighter

Schofield inched forward a few steps, he'd seen the plane dip beneath the horizon and was expecting a crash to fill the temporary silence, however no such sound came, there was an unpleasant sensation of mutual unease shared between the two soldiers as the moments of silence dragged on

Schofield stopped, the distinct putting sound of a failing plane engine was suddenly audible, the very same plane that he'd thought had crashed a few moments ago reappeared on the horizon, heading directly in their direction

Schofield began to back pedal feverishly, trying desperately to get out of the line of fire of the crashing plane

Blake, seeing Schofield retreating, took the hint and did the same, struggling to move with the heavy gear on his back

Both boys threw themselves to the ground as a last defensive, the plane crashing directly behind them causing both their ears to ring

The barn behind them took the blunt of the crash, crumbling and catching fire almost immediately

The pilot inside screamed and cried in agony as the flames scorched his skin

Blake quickly rose to his feet, hearing the agonized cries he rushed to the plane, disregarding how hot the metal was and burned his hand in the process of trying to free the German pilot

Blake let out a loud cry at the scorched sensation of his hand and in the process freed Schofield from his temporary state of shock, he quickly rushed to Blake's side and grabbed the pilot out of the plane, careful not to make the same mistake as Blake

Both boys dragged the frantic German away from the burning barn and towards the house

Blake slightly faltered seeing the poor man's legs on fire...he knew he shouldn't feel compelled to save the enemy, he'd been told countless times his big soft heart was going to backfire on him one day, but he couldn't bare to stand by while the poor man suffered

Blake and Schofield dropped to the ground, both utterly useless trying to unscramble the foreign cries of the German

Blake gently cradled the German's head in his lap, hoping he could ease the pilot into a state of calmness

Blake looked around trying to find anything to try and aid the poor man's agony, his eyes fell upon an old water pump a few yards out

"We should put him out of his misery..." Schofield suggested, seeing how deeply affected Blake was by the suffering German, Schofield knew it wasn't right to help the enemy...this was dangerous but Blake was too naive to understand

"No...get him some water he needs water" he pleaded as he pointed toward the water pump in the distance

Schofield looked at the water pump and felt a feeling of unease seeing how far away it was, in reality it was only about fifteen to twenty yards but given the situation they were in it might as well have been a hundred yards, he reluctantly stood and looked at Blake's face, seeing a pained look of desperation

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