~ tutor ~

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Dean let out a frustrated huff and dropped his pencil in anger, giving up on the difficult math problem he'd been struggling to solve

"Hey it's okay why are you giving up?" George asked softly letting out a quiet amused laugh. He rested a hand on Dean's back reassuringly and picked up the pencil, "you're so close to solving it Dean don't give up now"

"I can't do it I'm too stupid....this's a waste of time I'm a lost cause" he said crossing his arms and sitting back in his chair, his hair was a mess due to the stress and frustration of his homework, he'd taken to a habit of tugging and yanking at his long brown locks causing them to become a tangled mess

"Don't say that...you know, if you put half as much effort into your school as you did to your video games...you could have potential to be brilliant"

Dean rolled his eyes and gave the older boy a 'really' look

This whole arrangement and been set up by Dean's mother, who was close friends with George's mother. George was brilliant, so bright and full of knowledge it didn't seem fair to Dean

George was five years his senior and well on his way with his studies, he'd been instructed to help the struggling twelfth grader get his act together and pick up his grades, a task that seemed easy enough....but in reality was anything but

Dean didn't mind...well, he didn't mind the fact that he got to sit next to the most handsome man he'd ever laid eyes on...but other than that he despised their sessions, school was definitely NOT something he fancied and actually having to do his work wasn't enjoyable

George chuckled, "Don't you want to graduate?" He asked as he teasingly ruffled Dean's long hair, "you know if you just focused...you'd be fine you'd graduate lickety split"

Dean groaned and brushed him off, "graduate and turn out like you?? Livin under a bloody rock"

It was George's turn to roll his eyes at Dean's comment, there was however no way of denying the words of the younger man...George was a bit out of touch with the trends of his generation

"Get back to work, I know what you're trying to do you always do this" George said crossing his arms and scolding the smaller boy

"What??" Dean asked in mock confusion holding his hands up in an act of innocence

"I know you're trying to distract me and waste time and it's not going to happen so I'd suggest you give up now and try the problem again"

Dean groaned and reluctantly picked up his pencil, after about twenty seconds of him staring at the page in lost silence he decided he'd give up again

"So George...you got a girlfriend?" He asked looking up at George and giving a sly smirk

George was taken aback by the bluntness of he question and he struggled to form words, "w-what? I -I uh..."

Dean chuckled, "oooh maybe a boyfriend then?"

George's eyes went wide before he settled his face into a hard frown and shoved Dean's face away, "get back to your word problem you git"

Dean laughed, "even your words're old...who even says git?"

"Just get to work you wanker before I ring up your mum and tell her I give up trying to help such a difficult pillock"

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