~ blue and yellow ~

214 10 3

Tom ran through the hallway desperately trying to get to his potions class in time, he glanced at his watch and gasped seeing he only had two minutes until the morning bell would signal the beginning of class

This wasn't the first time he'd be late and surely it wouldn't be the last, however he knew Professor Snape wouldn't be happy to see him stride into class late once again....the excuse of saying he'd gotten lost wouldn't work forever

This morning in particular his tardiness was due to the fact that he'd been too busy enjoying his breakfast and staring longingly at the older Ravenclaw boy he fancied, though he didn't know his name yet, he'd taken an embarrassing interest over the past couple weeks of string longingly at the unfairly handsome boy who was three years his senior

He bumped into a very tall very intimidating Slytherin girl who grabbed him by his messily tied tie, "don't touch me, you little git..."

"S-Sorry about that I was just trying to get to class and you were in the way and—"

"So this is my fault now?" She asked tightening her already firm grip and causing Tom to let out a little whimper

Tom quiet often found himself in precarious situations such as this, one time he'd tripped on his robes and stumbled into a boy who'd in turn shoved him to the ground...maybe he just had a knack of stumbling into bullies but he was used to the whole threat and intimidation that he received rather often

He was about to apologize once again but was very literally saved by the bell as it echoed through the nearly empty corridor

The girl let go of him and laughed watching him stumble away desperately, he hated the sound of her snotty laugh but had no intention of picking a fight he knew he'd lose so he held his tongue and marched away as fast as his feet would carry him

He had double potions this afternoon and he knew that professor Snape would not be happy with him being this late...although, Snape would probably be upset with him anyway, he did not have a liking for Tom, in fact he nearly always found something to pick on him about, whether it be his incapability of tying a tie properly (four years at the school and he still hadn't learned) or his incapability of keeping his mouth closed...when it came to Tom Snape always found something he could humiliate the boy about

When Tom had finally reached the classroom he feared and dreaded most, he had a lump of dread in his throat

He swallowed what little pride he had and walked into the class, a fake wide smile plastered on his face, "Good morning professor, lovely day today innit?how are you tod—"

"It's nice to see that mister Blake remembered our class this morning....however late he may be"

A few of the Slytherin students giggled at this which caused Tom to blush, he wanted to say a sassy remark to Snape but held his tongue known it would do no good

"Sorry sir I jus got a bit distracted that's all it won't happen again I promise" Tom said as cheerfully as he could taking a seat beside his friend Cooke

"Don't make empty promises Blake...then again, other than your brain...nothing about you is empty" Snape said slyly

Tom frowned his face turning a bright shade of red out of both anger and embarrassment

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