Chapter 10

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Ellie's P.O.V

The next few days were pretty much the same. Just the two of us cooking meals together and sitting around whatever to occupy ourselves. Of course a lot of snuggling and kisses were present as well. But the day came that our break would end and school was starting again.

I couldn't help but be nervous about going back to school since everything that happened. I've already been out in public with Mason and showed him that he can trust me but it was still nerve racking. Also seeing Sophia and Jaxson again with knowing what I know about Mason made me sick to my stomach.

I was sleeping until the sound of an phone alarm woke me up. I raised my head up off of Mason's chest at the sound, my eyes squinting at the bright light that came through the window.

Mason groaned, dragging his own mind out of sleep as he reached his arm over, grabbing his phone from the nightstand to shut off the annoying screeching. His hand then dropped the phone roughly against the nightstand top as his arm came back over me.

"Do I have to go back to school?" He whined, letting his head fall back into the pillows.

"You probably should because it sucks to miss a day of class."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

Taking a deep breath I slowly moved from my spot off of Mason, standing up. I stretched a little bit, raising my arms and moving my body side to side to get my stiff muscles moving. Shuffling was heard behind me as Mason got up as well, wrapping his arms around my waist and brushing his lips all over the side of my neck.

"Good morning..." He mumbled against my skin.

"Good morning."

We stood like that for a minute, rocking back and forth before separating to change. Mason grabbed his uniform and left the room to go change while I went to his dresser. Mason had gotten me some clothes so that I wasn't wearing his all of the time but I didn't have a uniform. So I just stood there until Mason came back, looking all nice in his school attire.

He smiled at me, walking up behind me as he stared at me through the mirror. He then unexpectedly scooped me up into his arms, making me squeal out in surprise. He set me down onto his bed again and before I could ask what he was doing the cold feeling of the metal cuff locked around my ankle for a third time. The second I heard it lock my anxiety immediately shot through the roof.

"W-Wait! Mason!"

"Hey hey, it's okay." He kissed my cheeks and rubbed them, kneeling down to gaze into my eyes, "You've been such a good girl sweetheart so this isn't a punishment. I just can't have you going to school yet."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, taking deep breaths in attempt to relax myself, "W-why?"

"Because I don't want you to get taken away from me."

For a second I was confused by what he meant until I realized he meant the police. If they found my sister in the apartment then obviously they would be trying to find the other person living there. Most likely the first place the police would try to find me would be at school.

"What about the coffee shop? I have to go to work-"

"I already took care of that, you don't have to work there anymore."

"But," I grabbed onto his wrists, "Why can't you unlock me? You can trust me."

He sighed, looking deeply into my eyes. I pleaded with my gaze for him to let me go but he wasn't dumb. He knew if I was allowed to walk around the apartment without him around he knew I would try to escape. But I don't even know if I could if I was given the chance. I've had plenty of opportunities to get away from him but I still chose to stay.

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