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My life pretty much sucks. People don't seem to like me that much, rarely anyone does. I have very few friends that like me. We are all fucked up.

Some have depression. Personality disorders. The love of death and gore. Yet we are artists in our own fields. Poets, painters, musicians, coders, and novelists. We all have our own thing.

You might think that it's crazy, that people that are so fucked up can all love each other, share secrets. You might think that we are disgusting to the human race, but so are you.

Some of the people out there are monsters, only thinking of themselves. They are so selfish, that they think that they rule the world, that they own everything.

Well they're wrong! We rule the world, not them. They suppress us, thinking that they can lock us away and the world's problems will be solved. That's not the case, it's just adding to the problems.

Some of you reading this might have thought that this was going to be a love story, by no this is about me. Me dealing with my shitty life.


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