1. Victoria.

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I absolutely hate this place. I hate crying infants. I hate sobbing kids. I hate weeping adults. It gets annoying in this crowded room where people come in and out daily. The only good thing here is my mother, who only had time to take care of me when I fell ill. She has been working her self out to provide for my needs.

Sure, father can give us money to get me out of this place as soon as possible. But no, mother had her pride. She never wanted to contact father as soon as their divorce was settled. So here I am now, trying my best to drown out the crying kid next to me because he's too scared to get a needle pricked through him. He had it good, he only had the flu. I have an illness that could only lead to death.

Amidst the crying and other annoying noises in this stupid local hospital, I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I didn't want to respond because I thought it was just my nurse who gives my meals, but another tap came and I removed the pillow covering my face and ears.

"Miss Victoria?" The unknown man asked, giving me a friendly smile after.

"And who are you?" He was an attractive man. Around his mid twenties, tall, light brown hair styled up with a little too much hair gel. Piercing blue eyes.

"Your father sent me here to bring you these," He replied as he brought up a basket of fruits and a bouquet of lavender flowers from the floor.

"Why can't he come here personally and give these to me?" I watched him as he put the basket and flowers on the desk beside my bed. Disappointed of my father's absence.

The reason why my parents split up is because of father never having the time of day to be around my mother and I. He missed most of my milestones and only sent gifts whenever there are occasions. There were times when he felt like a father and a husband to us, but those times were rare.

"Because he has to be somewhere important right now," The man said in a monotonous tone as if it was rehearsed a million times in fear of letting something slip up.

"What could be more important that visiting his ill daughter for once?" That was the problem with father. He never seemed to give importance to his family.

"I didn't mean it like that. He is asking for permission from your nurse to transfer you to a better room," His dark blue eyes stared me down.

Why is he suddenly in my business now? How did he find out about me being here? Since when did he actually care? I have so many lingering questions that only father could answer yet he sends someone else to visit me.

"He visited your mother in her workplace and found out about your condition," His voice made me snap out of my train of thought. How did he know I was thinking about that? Is he a mind reader?

"I'm not a mind reader, I just wanted you to know," He said as he sat down on the edge of my bed. The suprise on my face must've been too obvious for him to answer my doubts. I only gave him a nod in response.

A few minutes later, 2 nurses came in and cut our awkward moment of silence. The man stood up from my bed and watched them gather my things, they must be transferring me to my new room.

"We're here to transfer you to the private room your father has requested," The nurse who brings me my meals and medicine, Joanne, announced and confirmed my thoughts.

"Well thats great, I'll carry these for you and accompany you to your new room," I only nodded again, unsure of how to respond.

"But where is my father? Shouldn't he be here as well?" I questioned no one in particular as they are transferring me to a creaky wheelchair. It took a few seconds to receive an answer.

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