4. Miss.

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I didn't see Hugo for the following days after. Someone would come and bring me baskets of course, every day a new person. The first day I was surprised to see a lady coming in, she was tall and slim. Her brown eyes snapped towards me as she closed the door behind her

"Mister Daheim sent me, I'm Jasmin," She then smiled and put the basket. I smiled back and asked why she was delivering it instead of Hugo and she just shrugged and bid farewell.

The next day a man came in, he seemed like he didn't want to be in here so he just said that dad sent him and left as soon as the basket touched my desk.

On the third day, my nurse, Joanne was the one who gave me the basket of fruits and flowers. She told me that someone came in and left it at the front desk. She left after checking up on me. That went on for a few more days. I guess I've been so used to having someone around ever since I transferred rooms so now I don't know what to do. I got so used to having someone to have to talk to in this boring room, the way Hugo seems to always understand what I'm trying to say irks me at times but I find it refreshing. Growing up with a small circle of people to interact with, I didn't really have anyone to talk to.

Instead of moping around, I took the book bag and started rummaging for a new book to read. I grabbed 'Pandora' which was on top then I realized that Hugo left me his number and it's tucked in between these pages. I took it out and stared at the blue ink before gathering enough courage to take my phone from the desk and typed in his number, and started composing a message. What should I say? 'Hi'? No, too plain. 'How are you?' no, 'Where have you been?' no it sounds too clingy. I don't know what came over me but my fingers started typing in 'I miss you' I quickly erased it, getting embarrassed of myself. I just texted him 'Hey Hugo, it's Vic' and threw the phone on the hospital bed soon as I saw that it was sent.

As I was eating grapes and flipping through pages of 'The Silence of the Lambs', My phone dinged, signalling that I received a message. My heart started racing, thinking that it must be a reply from Hugo, I quickly got up and started feeling dizzy from the sudden movement. I walked towards the bed and saw that it was only mother telling me that she was cooking pasta for dinner. I sent her a reply and resumed to what I was reading.

I didn't realize that time has passed, I thought it was only about 30 minutes but mother came in the room, carrying bags with containers and a smile on her face. She's extra happy today, I wonder what happened.

"Hello mother, what happened at work today?" I asked as she was unpacking.

"Nothing much dear, how about you? I made pasta because you seemed gloomy these past few days, are you missing a certain someone?" she grinned while wiggling her eyebrows. I just laughed at her and shook my head. We then ate a lot and talked a lot. After cleaning up, instead of Joanne coming in, my doctor, Mister Darwin entered my room.

"Good evening Doctor, is there anything wrong?" mother asked, her eyebrows meeting at the middle, her confusion evident.

"Good evening Miss Daheim, nothing's wrong," He smiled, "In fact, we think Victoria, will be discharged in a few days. We of course have to moniter her for a couple of days and if the results are positive, you'll be good to go,"
"Thank you, thank you so much doc!" I replied, my heart swelling with happiness. I've been waiting for this day and now it's near and I can't wait!

After a few more exchanges with Doctor Darwin and mother, we settled for the night. I was staring at the view from the window, listening to mother's steady breathing, when my phone started ringing. It was an unregistered number so I was hesitant to answer it. I just watched it ring but then turned my phone to silent mode because I didn't want to wake mother up. The caller dropped it after about 7 rings.

A message then popped up on the screen of my phone, 'Answer the call, Vic. It's Hugo.'

I quickly sat up on my bed and debated on answering it or just pretending to be asleep. After three rings I pressed the green icon on my screen and put the phone to my ear.

"Hi Vicky," He seemed to be somewhere because I could hear faint chatter in the background.

"Hugo, how have you been?" Why am I so nervous? we talk all the time!

"All good Vicky, did you miss me during my absence?"

"Well, my room does seem too quiet these past few days without our banter and your remarks," He chuckled

"Missed you too Vicky" I felt my cheeks heat up from that simple statment

"How did you get my number anyway?"

"Your mom gave it to me earlier, she didn't tell you?" I look at where mom was sleeping and noticed her looking at me. She mouthed "Hugo?" to which I responded with a nod and she smiled then went back to sleep

"O-oh, no she didn't. Well I should be sleeping now, Hugo," I stuttered out, mentally cringing.

"See you Vicky, Good night,"

"Goodnight Hugo,"

I slept smiling that night.


This chapter's shorter than usual, it's more of a filler hehe.

Above is how I imagined how Hugo and Victoria might look like.... well cartoon versions.

also, Moie_moiey i love you!

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