3. Surprise.

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  I woke up to my mother calling my name, informing me that she will be leaving for work now. Before being transferred to my room she would leave earlier because she had to go back home to get ready, now she just uses the bathroom connected to my room.

"Good bye dear, breakfast is on your desk," she then proceeded to kiss my forehead and gathered her things.

"Take care mother, good bye," I groggily replied, sleep still trying to claw at me, my body begging for more. As soon as I heard the click of the door, I fell back to my slumber.

  I must've had another hour of sleep before I woke up to a familiar scent that tingled my senses. I knew exactly what it was so I excitedly opened my eyes to see Hugo, his back against me, hanging his coat on the rack.

"Good morning Vic, I see that you haven't had breakfast yet," He said, carrying a huge grin and my requested stuff yesterday. I smiled back and carefully stood up.

"I didn't think you'd actually get it for me, thank you so much," He chuckled and handed me my food. I opened up the foil wrapper of the sandwich and ate happily. While munching on my food, I offered Hugo some, in which he declined

"So, Hugo..." I started

"Yes, Victoria..." he replied while copying how I said his name, in which I found cute and giggled

"What do you do? For work I mean," I asked him

"Why'd you ask?"

"Because I wanted to know? I mean I only know your name and the fact that you work for my father," I told him

"Well, first I wish I didn't work for him," he said truthfully, his gaze never leaving my eyes

"Why so?" I inquired while crumpling my trash and slowly walked towards the garbage bin. He didn't answer so I turned around to face him only to see him looking at his phone. He seemed to be reading something and he had his eyebrows furrowed. I then sat next to him on the couch and poked his shoulder.

"Is anything wrong?" I watched him type something then directed his attention to me

"Nothing, nothing. It was just... work related," he said while plastering on a tight lipped smile. I wasn't convinced but I just ignored it because it really wasn't my business to pry anyway.

  I saw the red bag that mother brought yesterday. I gently placed it on my lap and untied the ribbon that closed it.

"Do you like reading, Hugo?" I turned my face to look at him only to see that he was watching me.

"I do, I used to," He replied, a hint of sadness in his voice. I grabbed my favorite book which was 'Pandora' by Anne Rice. I've read it for about a hundred times already, the way Anne Rice told the story fascinates me everytime. I think I even memorize every line now.

"Well you're in luck Mister Sinclair for I have a small collection for you to read, being with me everyday is boring so might as well do something while you're here right?" he just laughed,

  "You're not boring, you fascinate me," I couldn't stop my smile from spreading, no one ever told me that

"You're lying," I poked my tongue out and noticed a piece of paper sticking out from one of the pages of the book, as Hugo took it from me the paper fell out and dropped on his lap. I was too shy to reach out and just looked at him looking at it. 'For Dad' was written on it in smudged black ink. I realized what it was and quickly snatched it from his hands.

"I'm just going to..." I looked around the room trying to find an escape, "use to restroom really quick," I smiled and him and as I stood up, his phone started ringing. I quickly walked towards the door of the restroom and the last thing I saw was the grim look on Hugo's face as he was watching his phone ring, then I slammed the door shut.

  I took a deep breath before unraveling the folded sheet in my hands. Staring at each smudged word.


  I know we haven't talked for a while and I don't think we'll ever have another chance to talk if you happen to receive this. How are you? I hope you're not tiring yourself from work too much. I wish you and mom never divorced so someone can take care of you. If you receive this letter it means I'm gone. I never got to spend a lot of time with you dad and I'm sorry for making that dream impossible now.

I love you, daddy. Take care of yourself and look after mom from time to time.


  I didn't realize that I was crying until a tear fell on the sheet that I was holding. I folded it back and let the tears stream down while I watched myself cry in the mirror. I regretted that day. I realized that killing myself wouldn't really solve anything. I wanted to be like mother, strong.

  I washed my face in the sink and jumped when someone knocked on the bathroom door.

"Vic? You okay there?" Hugo's voice was muffled by the door but you could still feel his concern. I looked at myself in the mirror one last time then opened the door that was separating us. I plastered on a smile and nodded at him

"Yeah, I'm fine, Hugo. Thank you," He started walking towards the coat rack and took his things with him.

"Well that's good to hear, I'm sorry Vicky but I have to leave a little earlier today, something came up and I had to attend to it, hope you don't mind?" He said in a rush I just nodded at him again. He then handed me a note before saying goodbye and scurrying out the door. A cellphone number was written on it in blue ink and a note that said,

Vicky, your mom will bring you your phone today. Text me if you need anything.

  I had a lot of time to kill and a lot of books to read so I went ahead and took 'Pandora'. stuffed the two pieces of paper in between random pages and settled by the couch before someone checks up on me today.

  A few nurse check ups and quiet hours later, mother comes barging in carrying the bags that probably contain the dinner she prepared and I stood up to help her with her things. She handed me a small paper bag and smiled at me, "A little something for you, an advanced birthday gift," I stared at her and she nodded before removing the tape that sealed it, only to see a new phone. I looked up and saw that mother was watching me for a reaction. I grinned and mad my way towards her to give her a tight hug

"Thank you mom, but you really didn't have to do this," She already had a lot on her hands and buying me a new phone doesn't help with it, but I'm grateful nonetheless

"Oh dear, it's nothing. I wanted to give you a phone so we could check on each other from time to time. Now help me with our dinner because I'm tired and hungry," She said sternly before chuckling and we did our daily routine of telling each other stories of our day and I'm glad that my best friend is my mother.

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