5. Wishes.

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"Wake up dear," mother said softly while tapping my shoulder. I opened one eye and peeked at her. She was holding a little cupcake with a small candle perched at the middle. I sat up from my bed and rubbed my eyes.

"Happy 21st birthday, Vicky dear," She smiled at me softly and my heart exploded from so much love. I can't believe I have someone like her in my life. The person I get my strength from.

  I took the cupcake from her and closed my eyes. I wish for mother to always be well, I also wish that I find a job as soon as possible to help her. I blew the candle and mother clapped while grinning. I hugged her and she kissed the top of my head

"Thank you mom, I wouldn't be who I am today if it isn't for you, you are the best gift I have," I felt tears streaming down my face after my speech.

"You're my everything Vic, I love you,"

"I love you, mother. So much,"

  After a few more hugging she left for work. I started getting ready for the day which means trying to get myself to shower, and eating breakfast. I have a feeling that this will be my last shower in this hospital so I took an extra long one, which isn't advisable, but it's my birthday anyway.

  As I was settling in, Joanne entered my room to check my vitals and smiled at me, "Happy Birthday, Victoria. I feel like you'll be getting a gift later," She then winked. I thanked her and grinned.

  I was finishing 'The Silence of the Lambs' when Hugo knocked and slowly peeked in. I closed my book and carefully stood up. He was carrying a box, assuming it's a cake and a small paperbag that was decorated with 'Happy Birthday' all over it.

"I heard it was someone's birthday today?" He said while jokingly raising his eyebrows

"Really? She must be lucky to have a handsome man bring her a cake," We shared a laugh and he handed me the paper bag he was carrying. I took it and watched him unbox the cake on the desk. After him singing the birthday song a little to loud and a little off key, I closed my eyes and wished that everyone finds happiness. I blew the candle and turned towards Hugo which was capturing the moment with his phone.

"Make sure I look good in those photos," I said while posing in front of the camera

"You always look good," I couldn't stop myself from smiling as I felt my cheeks heat up. Another shutter and he hid his phone to smile at me.

"Just repaying the favor of you calling me handsome earlier," I chuckled and took the paper bag he's given me earlier. He was watching my every move as I undid the ribbon of the gift and revealed a small velvet box.

"You shouldn't have, how much is this?" It was a necklace with a simple gold chain with a small feather pendant. I admired every angle of it and I started to cry, I've been crying a lot today. 

"Tears of joy, I hope? Let me put it on you," I gave him the necklace and held my hair up so he could clasp it on. I felt goosebumps rising on my neck when it felt Hugo's fingers. I let out an exhale because I didn't realize I was holding my breath the whole time.

"It's beautiful, thank you so much," I showed him my smile and I contemplated on hugging him, but I felt really shy so I just stood up and took the cake from the desk and took two slices from it. I was halfway through my slice when I felt something sticky touched my cheek. I turned to see Hugo giving me a devilish smile. I raised my eyebrows at him and took a dollop of frosting and spread it on his forehead.

"Oh it's on, Vic,"

  We were both laughing as both of our faces were littered by frosting and cake crumbs when Doctor Darwin came in the room.

"Someone's birthday I see?" I quickly shuffled off the couch and nodded at him.

"Would you like some cake, Doc?" I asked him to which he shook his head, "No, thank you, Vicky," I felt Hugo poking my shoulder so I turned to him and saw that he was offering me wet wipes to remove the mess on my face. I mouthed a 'thank you' to him and turned to face the doctor.

"Well what's the news today?"

"I think you'll like this," He nodded to me, "Well your vitals have been getting better, so you can be discharged by tomorrow, Victoria. Happy Birthday," This day just keeps getting better, I'm so happy!

"Thank you Doctor!" I started jumping from joy and both Hugo and Doctor Darwin laughed at my excitement. He then dismissed himself and walked out the door.

"Well this calls for a celebration, doesn't it?" Hugo said behind me. I turned to look at him but I stumbled back because of our proximity. He quickly grabbed my forearm to prevent me from falling on my butt. I regained my composure, I cleared my throat then replied

"Yes it does," I nodded.

"Well we can celebrate tomorrow when you get discharged, yeah?"

"Yeah, sounds good. Now, let's clean this mess we made because I felt so embarrassed when Doc came in earlier," He just let out a chuckle and started picking up or plates. After that, we do what we do everytime he's here, we talk about random things like what we saw in the news today or banter about things we have different views about or sometimes memories that we can share, but never too personal and I think that's good. I like having Hugo around. He's a good friend.

"Ouch," I heard him whisper while looking outside the window, a thing he always does.

"What's wrong? did you hurt yourself?" He turned to look at me and chuckled. He just shook his head

"I didn't hurt myself, someone else did," I looked at him, confused with his answer. We were the only ones here and I'm on the bed while he's sitting on the couch.

"Oh...kay," He laughed then changed the topic. We then had a long rant about our favorites.

  I was enjoying my talk with Hugo too much that I didn't realize that it's almost time for mother to get back. Hugo transferred from the couch and stood in front of my bed and spread his arms out.

"I have to leave now Miss Victoria, now hug me," my eyes widened at his statment but I stood up anyway and hesitantly neared him. When I was close enough he wrapped his arms around me and I did the same. He radiated warmth a faint smell of vanilla, my favorite scent. His warmth made me want to stay in this position.

"You're very warm, Mister Sinclair,"

"And you, Miss Victoria, are very cool,"

I waved him goodbye from the doorway as he was walking in the hallway towards the elevators. The birthday that I anticipated to be sad became the opposite because of the people I care for.

Well, welcome to adulthood, self.


cute lil chapter ^____^

Cheyenne x

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