Lifestreaming with Shuri

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Hey there,

I had this story in my laptop for a while but I was like 'Why not put it here.' so here it is

I hope you all enjoy~


The bell rang, signalling that school was finally over. A big smile appeared on Peters face. He said goodbye to MJ and Ned, and ran out of the class room. "Say hi for us!" Ned yelled after him. In the distance they heard a faint "I will" before they looked back to each other and laughed.

MJ and Ned walked to an empty classroom where the practice would take place, still smiling and talking to each other. The room soon filled with the rest, sadly that included Flash. Who never failed to annoy them. "Where the hell is Puny Parker?!"

MJ and Ned looked at each other and back to Flash and said in a boring annoyed voice, "It's not any of your business, but if you must know, he is at his internship." Flash gave them a weird and annoyed face before snapping back at them. "Psssh, as if. He is probably just hiding away in his sad little lies because he knows that I will get proof of his fake Internship and let everyone know how stupid he is."

They ignored him and he let out an grumble before laughing, thinking that they did not have an excuse for Peters Lies. He sat down as well and they soon began with their practice.

This soon however stopped when someone got a notification that Princess Shuri of Wakanda had started a life stream in Instagram. They screamed it out loud and soon everyone was looking at their phones. Some even connected it to the school board so that everyone could watch it easier.

"Hey guys, Shuri here. As some of you might have heard in my other video, I just landed in New York in starks tower and will be staying here for a week." She was wearing some sort of outfit from Wakanda, but it was not a dress.

"Woah this is so cooollll, she is so close to us. We may even be able to meet her!" Sally said.

"Heh, maybe we can ask Puny, because he totally has a Internship there." Flash laughed.

Ned and MJ looked at each other with worried looks before looking back at the screen.

"anyways. I'm here in Starks Lab with the most awesome person on earth, my best friend from America..."

By now there were 643.970.482 viewers watching. All waiting for the moment her best friend would be seen on screen.

"Wait, her best friend lives in America?!? I thought that they would be from Wak-" someone rambled but was soon silenced by the rest of the group, not wanting to miss the moment that Shuri's friend would be revealed.

You saw her sneaking around the lab towards a table someone was sitting at. Still vague because the camera was focused on Shuri. "Here is the one and only, Peter Parker!" she screamed happy before turning the camera to Peter fully. He was working on some High-Tec stuff that seemed like magic for most people. Peter was wearing black jeans that were out of frame and one of his nerdy science shirts.

Wait... PARKER?! WHAT IS HE DOING THERE?" Flash asked confused and the rest of the team apart from MJ and Ned looked shocked.

You saw him look up at Shuri wondering why she screamed his name before focusing on the camera in her hand, that seemed to be pointed at him. "Uh Shuri...? Are you filming?" Shuri grinned and nodded. Peters face turned to surprise before looking back at the camera, suddenly looking shy as he looked down.

The millions of people that were watching were shocked. There was an adorable boy, probably very smart and shy on screen that apparently knows Shuri for some reason. And all of the viewers wanted to know who he was.

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