Wounded and fieldtrips

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Hi there, its been a while.
I had this draft for quite some time but had no energy to finish it before.... so, here I am.^^

I jope all of you guys are doing oki.
Wuth the Corona virus life has been intresting to say the least....
Stay strong everyone and take care~

No one’s POV.

It was morning and Peter woke up pretty early. He had been excited for the Surprise field trip that would happen today. The apartment was quiet, meaning that Aunt May had already left for her shift.
After taking a shower and changing his clothes he entered the living room, only to find a small sticky note on the table.

Hey P, sorry that I had to leave early. You know how it goes. I hope you will enjoy your day and have fun on the field trip. Larb you. ~Aunt May.

He smiled softly and mumbled a soft “Larb you too” before going into the kitchen and getting some food. Since he was up early he had some time to spare for patrolling before school. He changed again, into his suit that he made with Tony and grabbed his bag, putting the clothes he choose for the day inside it as well. He looked back into the room one more time before climbing out of his window and webbing away.

He had about a half hour before he had to be at school to catch the bus, and getting there took about 7 minutes of flying, including changing back into his normal clothes. Karen had notified of some things happening around the city and he made his way to every single one.

By the time he had helped the last person he was covered in a few bruises and scars, but they would heal in a few hours.  He still had 10 minutes to spare, but when he was about to fly off to school he heard a scream. He turned around and did not even think about ignoring it to be on time for the bus to the field trip.

Ned’s POV.

It had been a few minutes after the time of meeting at school. They were all standing by the bus and I was getting anxious. ‘where could he be…’ the teacher seemed annoyed. Peter did of course have a habit of being late. After another few minutes he growled and began to call out the names of the class. When he called out Peters name the teacher was met with silence. They looked over to me for a few seconds before shrugging and naming the next person.

By the time everyone was called Peter was still nowhere to be found. And the teacher loaded everyone on board. “It seemed that only Peter was not able to make it,  I’ll have contact with the school in a bit to notify his absence. For now let me give you all the instructions of this field trip.“

His rand went on for a while and the bus began to move. I had already texted Peter to ask where he was but I got no reply. I looked over to MJ and she seemed confused as well.
“- and I know you are all wondering where we are headed. This field trip is going to be to…. STARK INDUSTRY!” the whole class erupted into a loud cheer.

No one’s POV.

The class had just entered the building and everyone looked around in awe.  The building was absolutely beautiful, as you could expect from a rich billionaire. As they were waiting one of the staff members walked up to them and greeted them. “Welcome to SI, I assume that you are the morning group Midtown high?” the teacher nodded and she went over the list of names. Giving a badge to each child that spoke up at their name.

“Tiny McKeever?”
“Cindy moon?”

“Peter Parke- wait Mini Stark? Is this Peters class?” she asked. The class looked confused. How did a staff member know Peter Parker? Why did she call him Mini Stark?
After a few seconds Ned began to speak up. “Miss, Peter did not turn up this morning while we were waiting for the bus, we don’t know where he is.”

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