kidnapped and revealed

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3th POV.

It had been 5 days...
5 days since Tony's children went missing...
He had come home and searched everywhere the moment he got a call saying that both Peter and Morgan were gone from the radar...
Peter was on patrol when he disappeared and Morgan was at school the moment it happened...

Still not finding any clues Tony sat in his lab... have gotten no sleep nor any leads on where his children were held...
Steve came in the room not long after with a sad look on his face...
"I don't want to hear it Steve..."
"You know that I'm right Tony and sitting here every minute trying to find them without any rest is not helping anyone..."
Steve said nothing... after all, it was completely understandable that this is his reaction... he would do the same if he had children...

"I just want them back home safe... who knows what is happening..."

They sat there in silence for a while until Friday spoke up.

"Sir. There seems to be a life video being transmitted throughout the whole city. Would you like me to show you?"

Tony looked up confused and answered "yes, go ahead. It might give us a hint or something."

Not a second later a screen popped up. It showed a dark room with nothing really in it.

Not a moment later you could see a dark figure walking in front of it and mumbling "is this on...? Okay, good... let's start the show."

Right after he walked backwards to come clearly into view. "Good afternoon dear people of New York City. You can call me Blue Flame and I want to welcome a special guest that we have here!"

Not a moment later he walked back towards the camera and turned it towards what appeared to be a chair with a figure on it. The light was then turned on and everyone gasped.

"The one and only Spider Man!"

He was tied with what appeared to be vibranium cuffs and his legs were also tied down. You could see some blood spots dripping from his suit and he looked unconscious.

"Oh my. It appeared that he is asleep. I shall wake him." He said with a smirk. Right after he put an electric taser into the side of Spiderman who screamed out in agony.

Everyone watching the screen had by this point tears in their eyes as they watch Spider Man screaming out his lungs.

Tony was gripping the table too hard with wide eyes as Steve called in everyone down to the lab.

"Good morning Spidey. Glad you could join us. So. Have you thought of finally giving the suit to me along with all the information from Stark Tower?"

A groan wad heard from Spiderman as he slowly looked up into the eyes of his captor.

"No way in hell. I'd die before giving anything to you, " he spat out.

The man just smirked. Which worried Peter... what was he planning...?

"Say Spidey, did you know that we have met before? You know the boat that was cut in half and such? Well, because of your actions I lost my job and everything I worked for. I was lucky to find some people and supplies that could help me become stronger to break you. And since you always like playing the hero, I got one of my buddies to bring down another guest we had for a while. We were planning on using them to get through Tony Stark, but maybe it will give you some inspiration too." He said with a grin.

Not a moment later screaming was heard as the door off-screen was opened. The eyes of Spidey's mask widened as he began to scream.

"LEAVE HER OUT OF THIS. SHE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HIS DON'T YOU DARE HURT HER!" "Ah ah ah. You don't make the rules Spidey. And It seems I was right. You do care for this little girl, huh."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2020 ⏰

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