Izuku Midoriya

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Izuku Midoriya wants to be a hero.

Izuku Midoriya wanted to be a hero.

Izuku Midoriya did not want to go to school today.

The poor boy, only five years old, had to find out that he was born quirkless just hours earlier. All his other classmates quirks have started presenting. It seemed that Izuku was the only child in his class who's quirk hadn't presented yet.  That includes kaachan, the coolest kid in his class. He was one of the first kids to find out his quirk: Nitroglycerin. Since then, kaachan's been blowing things up on the playground everyday, just to show off. Everyone thought he was cool. Some of the boys even followed him around, wanting to be on his good side.
Izuku followed kaachan around too. Even though kaachan was never nice to him, he still stayed beside him; he didn't know any better.

Today, however, Izuku didn't run out to kaachan on the playground, he was too upset. The teacher let him stay inside during break so he could have some alone time.

He wanted to be a hero so bad. Ever since he can remember he's looked up to Allmight, the number one hero. An amazing hero who always saved people with a smile. As long as Allmight's around, the people were safe. Izuku wanted to be just like Allmight. He wanted to help people. Now, that possibility has been taken from him. These people who built his hopes so high took away his chance at being hero too.

Just as he let the tears he'd been holding in all morning fall, the classroom door slammed open.

"Yah, Deku! Why are you in here? Are you crying?"

"Go away kaachan!" Izuku sobbed.

Kaachan was standing in the doorway, two of his 'friends' flanked behind him.

"Ha! he is crying! Why is he crying Kaachan?" One of the other boys demanded

Kaachan strolled between the seats in the classroom, coming to a stop in front of Izuku, just as another tear rolled down the boys cheek.

"I know why he's crying" kaachan said smoothly

"Deku here, is quirkless!"

The boys behind him both gasped and began to laugh.

"Deku is quirkless! He's quirkless! Hah!"

"You're useless Deku! I'm going to be the number one hero and your going to be nothing compared to me."

"I—I can—can still be a hero" Izuku choked.

"No you can't. You don't have a quirk. You'll never be a hero."

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