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warning: tiny smut

Jimin had stared into your eyes, then his gaze dropped to your lips and he had looked at you with such an immense longing in his eyes, as if he was a child looking at candy he could never get.

"S-sorry I-" he had looked away, clearing his throat.

"It's fine" you had replied and gotten up, leaving for kitchen right away.

But that was just a single encounter. With both his hands hurt, you had to do a lot of things for him. Even some intimate stuff.

And that made you realise a few things about Jimin. He was dangerously attractive and charismatic but also very clingy. Like, very clingy. He wanted your attention at all times. But pretended like he didn't care at all. He was grumpy at times, needing alcohol but because of how it made him treat you, he was resisting it and going into withdrawal.

Weeks passed and his hands healed. In all that time you got to know that he wasn't as bad as you had thought of him. You got to know him on a deeper level and got closer. One time he actually laughed at something you said.

But the strangest thing actually happened that night when you were on the couch with him, he was listening to the news while you were scrolling down your phone. Like usual, you were wearing a huge white button up shirt and shorts.

"The popular WWE star Jeon Jungkook's mother announced in an exclusive interview with our channel that her son is in a happy relationship with former heir of Terrain Enterprises and they will be getting engaged soon"

You looked up and saw a picture of That guy holding onto Jungkook's shirt and smiling brightly.

"Jungkook is getting married?" Jimin exclaimed with a surprise and then started flipping through the channels again. You shifted in the couch miserably and then lashed at him.

"Either make up your mind about what you wanna watch or shut the damn tv off!"

"What's your problem?" he asked.

"You're my problem!" you got off the couch and headed towards the room.

"Hey y/n!" he followed you. "what's with your sudden mood swings?"

"Go away!" you pushed him.

"I know something is bothering you, tell me, what is it?" He held your wrists.

"Let go!" You struggled and went back a few steps, your legs hit the bed and you fell back, with Jimin on your top.

He looked into your eyes, then at your lips just like before. You could see the need and the desire all in there but also... helplessness.

There was a nerve wrecking silence for a few moments in which both of you just stared at each other.

He was about to get up when you held his collar and shook your head.

Jungkook is happy without me

He is with that guy who hit me

I don't mean anything to him so why am I still shutting others out for him?

You raised your head and slowly pecked Jimin's lips.

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