Chapter 5: The Truth Spills

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"Zayn what's wrong?" Liam asked. Zayn and I stared straight into each other's eyes. He knew I knew and I knew he finally knew.
"Zayn you need to speak." They kept trying to talk to him but he wouldn't listen. Then it hit.
"Mia what did happened." I found out that Liam can be scary.
"Why don't you ask Zayn? Oh wait how would he remember if he can barely remember one of his best friends." I was crying at that point. So was he.
"Zayn Mia what the hell is going on?" Louis asked while comforting me. I like him the best. He gets me.
"Mia I am so sorry."
"No you're not because you only forgot me. Not Jane, not Delilah, not David, not Luke, no you forgot about me. The one person who gave you all of this. I was the one who put the five of you in the band. And I put you five together because I knew it would work. Do you not remember that day when you came back after being put in the band? You came and hugged me. What happened Zayn? I get that you were starting your career and all but that doesn't mean you had to ignore me. How does it make you feel when you realize you can never go back. You may be sorry but that will never fix this." Then he came and did the unthinkable. He kissed me. And I kissed back.

Authors note:
So I've decided to put an authors note in every five chapters so that I don't waste time writing one for every chapter. Also when you read this the book might be finished because i think I'm going to write the whole thing but keep publishing every chapter when I finish them. Also what do you think about that ending. You might of thought that would happened. And I know I could of held it a little longer but my plan is for this to be 30 chapters then I might do a sequel. Also if you haven't already check out my other two books and I am currently starting another book. So I will have four books but out of all of them this one is my favorite to write. I hope you guys are enjoying the book so far.

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