All about the characters

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This secton is going to be about what Mia and her friends look like and their personalities

Mia: Mia has black curly hair and bright blue eyes. She has a spunky personality but isn't afraid to say what she wants. She was classifies as wierd in high school but now all the popular kids want to be her friend. She's very loyal and will defend the people she loves if nessesarry. She'll do anything for the people she loves even it means travel across the world.

Jane was based off one of my best friend who actually reads the book(hey bae). She's very outgoing. She's the thing that you see whizzing past yo hat the mall because someone took her hot topic bag. She's always there for her friends and is the main one who defends the group. She uses her words more than actions. Jane has long brown hair and blueish greenish eyes.

Delilah is the girl that plans EVERYTHING a week ahead. She takes control and smooths everything out. She also Is the one controlling Jane when de gets angry. She's a reporter so she knows everything about everyone. And I mean EVERYONE. There is nothing that girl doesn't know. Delilah has long brown and curly hair And green eyes.

Luke isn't always around because he's actually the only Australian of the group. They all met at a concert. Luke tries to come and hang as much
As he can but his band, 5 seconds of summer, is getting popular.

David and Jane are siblings and get along really well. They look a lot alike. David pulls lots of pranks on the whole group.

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