Chapter 8: kidnapped?

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When I woke up I saw Zayn In a corner. I tried to get up and walk over but I was stopped in my tracks. My hands were cuffed with chains attached to the wall. Then I looked down to see I was in a ball gown. Not the prom type ball gown. The old timey ball gown with the millions of layers. WHO THE HELL PUT ME IN A BALL GOWN?!? WHY THE HELL WOULD SOME ONE PUT ME IN A BALL GOWN?!? Wait. Zayn wasn't chained to the wall. He wasn't dressed up either. Then he finally woke up.
"Mia. What? Why are you chained to the wall and in a dress?"
"I'm just as clueless as you are. they probably don't want us to have sex so that they have to release us."
"Wait what? Who are you talking about?"
"Oh while you were asleep we got kidnapped."
"What the hell? Oh and by the way I don't think they put you in the dress to keep us from having sex because you look pretty hot in that dress."
"Thanks. Now help me out of it." I got the dress and the cuffs off, I still don't know why they were there, and Zayn and I sat together and tried to figure out what was happening when something came from the top of the cell. It was a tray that had a bag and a magazine. On the front page was a picture of Zayn and I together talking about our dissapearence. We opened the bag and saw food water and a not that said, " I hope you are enjoying your time together. Don't worry you'll get out. Someday. Ps I hope you liked our little gift Mia. It might come in handy soon. And Zayn we didn't forget about you. See you soon."
"That is some creepy shit."
"Ya and it's even creepier that they're watching us."
"Ya. I think I know what they want though."
"What?" After he said that I gave him the look and he imediantly under stood. "Ya um uh"
"Ya. Well let's not give in until it gets bad. Well give them a taste of what they want and tempt them with that Kay?"
"Ok." He seemed disappointed. I know we just started our relationship but I was a little disappointed two because I really do love him but I don't want to rush. I just hope we don't have to give into the kidnappers. That would be awful. Or would it not be awful?

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