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Aoi Chigusa

I spread my wallet open. Upon seeing the insides, I could feel my chest getting heavy. There's no way I can survive with only 300 yen left. Lunch in school costs 260 yen. That means I'll have to make a lunchbox meal for the remaining days of the week. It's still Monday by the way.

Female Aoi and Yamada slurp as they empty their ramen bowls. I heave out a deep sigh. I'll never do this again. These two people sitting across me is the reason why I'm broke. Ishiki rubs her stomach with an enormous grin.

"This was so good, Chigusa," she mumbles, still rubbing her stomach. Yamada raises his right wrist to look at his watch. He licks his teeth and announces, "We have fifteen minutes left to return back to school."

The small ramen place only accommodates five short-legged tables. Handwritten posters fill the walls. The writings are large, bold and jet black. My guess is they probably used a thick black marker. Its ceilings are low enough for me to reach them without standing on my heels.

We leave right after we drink a glass of water. Ishiki stands on the customized pedals at the back and rests her palms on my shoulder. She's actually the first person to ever stand there. Yamada sits again on the crossbar and leans on me. His position makes me sad. Maki used to sit there.

Having two people around with my poor bike is painful. Not only do I have to check if my bike's fine every now and then. I also have to carry these freaks' heaviness. Ishiki may be a girl, but I probably won't be able to carry her as easily as I carry Maki on my arms.

Ishiki ate like she hasn't eaten for days. I thought this was funny until she confirmed it. Turns out, they only have bean sprouts and salt at home. This alone makes me more satisfied with my choice to appease with food.

I take a smooth turn to the right and pause right in front of the gates. Ishiki gets off first to help Yamada out of my bike. A few students eating at the school's front yard crane their neck. I could feel their curious eyes targeting us.

I can't blame them though. Who knew I would hang out someday with Ishiki and Yamada? Two outcasts. Pretty sure, my former self will definitely disagree with this choice. Not that, I'm much different from before.

We walk past the lookers with snickers. I haven't even realized that we have been walking side by side. Totally unlikely from my last group. Ishiki replicates some of the Juniors' surprised faces. She parts her lips and places her palm on her chest. Yamada and I shake our heads and laugh. It does not suit her at all!

As we arrive inside the classroom, Ishiki's real surprised expression emerges. She widens her eyes upon witnessing Hatsumomo sitting quietly at the back. Can't lie though, I'm also shocked. Hatsumomo's black shoulder-length hair is now a pixie cut. Her eyes are puffy and her pressed lips are pale. What happened to her?

My eyes dart to Yamada who's clearly liking this. He's doing this kind of breathy grin, probably unaware of it. I swear, this guy is totally head over heels crushing on Hatsumomo. Is this also surprising? Well, not really.

I'm sure most guys had similar impressions with Hatsumomo. During our first years, she was the talk of the school. Her kind smile and bedazzled hair enchanted both boys and girls. She has this cute appeal. What changed this? Well, that fateful night that ruined Yamada also ruined her.

Ishiki rushes to Hatsu and grills her with questions. Looking at Hatsumomo gives me an uncomfortable force that's crawling on my skin. Her usual warm smile is now an empty frown. She responds Ishiki with bored eyes and nods blankly.

The class then starts after a few minutes. A teacher comes and announces the upcoming school feast. Matsui, our class president proceeds in front. She grabs a white chalk and asks for ideas. The class shows their enthusiasm by suggesting so many things all at once.

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